Chapter Nine

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"Good morning " Mr. Edward said in a bored tone. "Today I will be assigning you a project on the Revolutionary War. You may pick a partner of your choice to research and later present to the whole class with."

Uggg. History is so boring. Since we don't have assigned seats, Blair sat next to me. Matt sat behind me , and Triston behind Blair.

Our history teacher continued. "The assignment is to give a report on a person who played a part in the war. Decide on your partner within the next ten minutes, and then I will assign you a person to research. Here's the tricky part: When you present, it needs to be something different that a normal PowerPoint, or report. It needs to be presented in an interesting way. Anyone have any ideas?"

*dead silence *

"Anyone?" He asked in the same bored tone.




I looked at Blair and mouthed, "Beauler?"

She snickered. "Anyone?" Asked Mr. Edward.




Now the boys behind me heard, and Blair and them all started snickering loudly.

"Beauler?" I whispered.

"Miss Houston?" I practically jumped out of my skin. Shit, he heard me. "Do you have a suggestion?"

"Ummm....pfft." I clapped my hands together nervously. "I dunno, maybe a song?"

He paused. "You'd sing a song in front of the class?"

"If someone was brave enough to do it with me, I guess."

"Ok." He sighed dramatically. "Any others?"

Blair leaned over and whispered, "I'll sing with you. "

I gave her a smile and a thumbs up.

After ten minutes, Mr. Edwards started assigning people. "Avery Houston, and Blair Morris, have Paul Revere." We did a fist bump. "Matt Dillons and Triston Morris, have James Madison." I heard the boys groan behind me.

"Disappointed, much?" I turned around in my seat to ask Matt.

"He's so boring!"

"Aw quite whining," I teased.


At lunch the four of us sat together again, this time Blair by me and Triston by Matt.

"What are you boys gonna do for the history project?" I questioned.

"Dunno. How do you make James Madison sound interesting? You guys got lucky. Wish we got Paul Revere." Matt shrugged.

"You guys are really going to sing?" Triston asked in disbelief.

I looked at Blair. "Yeah, I guess."

"I don't know what else we could do." Blair ran her fingers through her bangs. "Everything else will be taken."

"You could put on a puppet show!" Triston suggested jokingly.

"I'd much rather sing!" I told him.

Blair nodded in agreement. "Um.. yeah."

"I wouldn't be caught dead singing, especially in front of the class," Matt stated.

"We should get together and start working on it soon, if he's only giving us a week." Blair said to me.

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