Chapter Nineteen

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you. me. netflix. place. i pick u up. ten minutes.

To: Cory

i love you

i luv u 2

From: Cory

I have good news 4 u

To: Cory

oh really? like what?

From: Cory


To: Cory

The following weekend I was hanging around in the early morning when Cory texted me. He was so sweet. He always knew what made me happy. I was wearing baby blue sweats and a white tank top; my pajamas. I wasn't going to bother changing. I made myself a poptart while I waited for him to show up in that old beat up truck of his. I couldn't wait to tell him. My poptarts was ready and I began eating it. Matt walked in in basketball shorts.

"Those are disgusting." He stated.

"You're disgusting. These are the holy grail of delicacies." I said, waving the last corner of my breakfast in the air. He wrinkled up his nose and walked to the fridge, taking out a loaf of bread.

"By the way, Cory will be here any second."

"Are you going to tell him the news?" He asked knowingly.


"How are you dealing with that?"

"Well," I sighed. "It's kind of a releif, actually. I feel a lot better, now that it's settled."

"I'm really happy it worked out this way."

"Me too."

"Shouldn't you get dressed?" He asked, looking at my attire.

I walked over and leaned against the kitchen counter next to him. "Naaaw. We're just watching Netflix and eating pizza."

Matt held the bread in his mouth as he tied the bag up again."Sounds romantic." He replied through the mouthful of bread.

"It's cute. You know, having a girlfriend doesn't mean the only dates you have need to be fancy and expensive."

"Oh, thank you, Professor Houston. I had no idea you were such an expert in datingology."

"Smart alac." I said as I gently smacked his head. He laughed.

"But, seriously." I continued. "I bet Blair would appreciate a simple date. It's a lot less stress on both of you."

"I'll keep that in mind." He said. "Professor Houston." He added. I rolled my eyes just as the doorbell rang.

"That's Cory. See ya later!" I said as I walked to the door.

"Give him a hug for me!" Matt called out sarcastically. I chuckled. We were getting to be more like siblings every day.

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