Chapter Thirty- Two

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"You look beautiful." Triston breathed when I walked into the room in my glittery black dress.

"I know." I said with a twirl, making sure the place my feet carefully, as they were in high heels. "I'm kidding. Thank you." I gushed as I wrapped my arms around him. He looked nice, too, in his jeans and black dress shirt and red tie. He handed me a red carnation corsage and I beamed. He remembered my favorite flower.

"You're wearing the shoes Blair got you."

"I am. The nice thing about having a boyfriend as tall as you is that a tall girl like me can still wear heels."

"Triston, they're from you, too." Blair spoke up from her seat next to Matt on the couch.

"Mostly you. I got her the rings."

I looked at my 'gold' ring and held up my hand to show him I was wearing it. He held up his, too, showing me the word 'stay' engraved in the gold. Matt and Blair decided to sit this dance out. I had asked Blair why and she said that they didn't think it would be that fun, since apparently neither of them really liked Homecoming. So Triston and I were fine with that and we drove off in his Dodge Dakota.

At the school, Triston needed to use the restroom and I waited at the far end of the dancefloor. I noticed a figure making his way through the crowd in my direction. I couldn't tell who he was in the darkness until he was close enough to touch.

"Hey, Avery."

"Hey, Cory. How's Monica and the weed treating you?"

He ignored my insult. "You haven't answered any of my calls."

"I know. That was intentional."

"I know I screwed up. But I miss you."

"Aw, you screwed up? You seem to do that a lot."

"I want you back."

"Oh, so you broke up with Monica then?" He didn't answer.

"Your silence is very reassuring." I quoted Monsters Inc. "You made it quite clear that you never felt anything for me and that's ok, because I've moved on."

"You know you still love me."

I laughed at his selfishness. "You keep telling yourself that." I turned to walk away and wait for Triston.

"Avery." Cory grabbed my wrist and stood in front of me.

"What?" I demanded. My patience was running thin.

"One more chance."

"Aren't you still with Monica?"

"I'll ditch her for you in a heartbeat. I still love you. I know cheating on you was stupid, and I beg for your forgiveness. I'm with her now, but she's just a backup plan, and I'd leave her if you want me to."

Can you say bipolar? He changes like the weather. I looked at him in disbelief. "You know, once Monica told me, 'Cute girls get cute guys. Ugly girls get ugly guys. Stick to your own kind.' Now, I'm telling you, Cory, nice girls get nice boys. Trashy girls get trashy boys. Stick to your own kind."

My words cut him like a knife and I instantly felt guilty. But I had to get my point across...

I pulled my wrist away and continued to walk towards the restrooms. "I'll hurt him." Cory called after me. I turned to face him. "I will." He continued. "Matt and Blair, too. But Triston, I'll kill." I stared at him, horrified. "Because that is who you're talking about, huh?" He began to slowly walk towards me. "Yeah, it's Triston. Mr.Honors student. Mr.Quarterback. Mr.Sweet-and-innocent. Mr.Son-of-a-bitch who stole my girlfriend." He continued to approach and I was too scared to run. I wildly looked around for help. No one was seeing or hearing the scene Cory was creating. He was directly in front of me, close enough for me to feel his breath. "Because," he went on, "if Triston is gone, who would keep me from you?" I took a step back and he took a step closer. I quickly tried to step away again but he just came closer. I tried to run and he grabbed my arm, pulling me back towards him.

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