Chapter Twenty- Nine

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"Good morning, students!" Our principal greeted on the morning announcements on Tuesday. He went on to talk about how our sports teams were doing, who won what, basketball is starting up, blah blah blah blah. I sighed and hit my head on my desk in biology. I really needed a coffee. "I have a little surprise for you all." Our principal continued. "On December 12, the day after Christmas break begins, we will be putting on a semi-formal Christmas dance. Tickets will be on sale starting next week at lunch or you can by them at the door. Go with a date or friends-" I smiled and looked at Blair. She was grinning, obviously excited to be going with Matt. She mouthed the word "fun" and wiggled happily in her seat. I laughed softly and looked for Triston. He was sitting in back with his jock friends. They were all laughing over some joke while he kept to himself, doodling on a piece of paper. I sighed slowly and rested my head on my desk.

After class I waited by Blair's locker for her and the boys to show up like I do everyday so we can walk to our table together. Blair came up and began opening her locker. "This dance sounds like fun! Are you excited?" She marvelled.

I shrugged half- heartedly. "I don't know if I'll go."

She looked at me and frowned. "Too soon?" she asked understandingly.

I nodded slightly. "That's part of it. Being around a bunch of couples doesn't sound all that great right now."

"I'm sorry." She sympathised.

I was about to say something else when I looked into the mirror in her locker and saw the guys sneaking up on us, "Blair, look ou-" I was cut off when I felt two hands jab into my sides. Blair and I screeched as Matt and Triston relentlessly tickled us.

"Triston! Stop!" I cried through my laughter. He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder and spun around, a favorite trick of his. "Triston!" I shrieked as I pounded his back with my fists. He laughed and placed me down on my feet. Dizziness overcame me and I fell into his arms. He chuckled and held me for a minute. When I could see straight again, I playfully punched him in the stomach.

"You're a jerk!"

"I have my moments." He smiled.

"I hate you."

He frowned and looked back at me with big, sad eyes.

"Just kidding, I don't hate you."

"I know you don't." He said as he poked my gut.

"Owe my tummy." I whined as I covered my stomach with my arms.

"Your tummy?" He cocked an eyebrow and smirked.

"Yes, my tummy. You hurt it."

"I'm sorry."

I smiled up at him and looked at Matt and Blair who were ready to go to lunch. Our group walked down the hallway, laughing and teasing each other, as always. Monica, Brianna, and Lindsay were by Monica's locker and I could tell they were talking about the dance.

"I'll be wearing a purple chiffon dress and, of course, Cory will have a matching tie." She stopped talking when she saw me and shot me a smug smile. I glared at her and walked on.

"Oh, Avery!" She called me back. I bit my lip in aggravation and turned to face her. "Come here." She ordered. I walked towards her with my group of friends behind me. Monica pulled her glossy lips down in a frown and gave me puppy- dog eyes. "I'm sorry for stealing your boyfriend." She said in a sad voice. Her and her friends laughed.

"Is there a point to this conversation? Because, honestly, I'd much rather be eating right now."

"I just wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings. I mean, I did steal your boyfriend from you. That must have rally been quite the kick to the stomach."

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