La Finalé

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I open the door and peer into the hospital room. The nurses have gotten quite familiar with me, and one who passed me in the hall informed me that Triston was asleep. I see his thick chest rise and fall rhythmically under the scratchy sheets. I smile softly and tip- toe to his bedside, taking his left hand in mine as I sit down. Underneath his eyelids there is gentle flickering, and I wonder if he is dreaming.

I want so badly to wake him up. I want to gently shake his shoulders and whisper, "Wake up, I miss you!" However, I refrain from doing this and settle with kissing his forehead. I just haven't seen him since Friday and today is Monday. Four days without him, and yet it feels like an eternity.

I look at the clock on the wall and realize it is 11:30. I wonder why he's taking a nap so early in the day. He's getting checked out of the hospital at noon.

And it won't be Vikki doing it.

I smile and think of how Triston will react when he sees his dad in the lobby. He will freak out! And I wouldn't blame him. I would give up five years of my life just to see my dad waiting for me downstairs. This thought tugs at my heartstrings a bit, and the familiar, distant ache seeps into my heart. But I have noticed in the past few months the ache has grown a little weaker. They say time heals all pain, and I have accepted to fact that that is a lie. Pain isn't a wound like a papercut that will heal completely. Pain is when you are stabbed with a knife. A scar will be there for the rest of your life, but time will fade all scars. Weather it be because of a friend who fought beside you and for you every time you needed it. Or when his mother takes you in and loves you as if you were her own. Or when a pretty brown haired girl runs into you in the hall, or when she introduced you to your knight in shining armor. Or when a baby was born thousands of years ago to grow up and give his precious life for you. You'll always be loved by someone and that is what heals a person, I believe.

In church yesterday, we sat with the Moriss's. I sat next to Noah, whom I think is pretty fond of me. It was there that he explained that he would surprise Triston at the hospital today. My fingers tingle with excitement. I look up at the clock. 11:50.

A nurse enters the room. I recognize his red hair, blue eyes, and freckles. He lets me call him James and he's been the one taking the majority of Triston's care. He's about 26 and he's super sweet.

"Hello, Avery." James grins.

"Hi, James."

"Would you want to wake Sleeping Beauty up? He has just been checked out."

"Sure." I say excitedly.

"And then send him to my room, will ya? He'll need his clothes back."

"Yep, no problem. "

"Thanks." He smiles again and backs out of the room.

I direct my attention to Triston. I shake his shoulders and say softly, "Triston," in a singsong voice. "Wake up." He stirs and groans.

"It's time to leave, babe."

He blinks his weighted eyelids and smiles at me.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." His voice is raspy and his hair sticks out everywhere. I don't understand how he makes 'just rolled out of bed' look so darn cute.

"Good morning." I lay my head on the pillow next to him and reach up to smooth down a spunky piece of hair. He takes my hand and kisses it without moving his eyes from mine. This boy is unbelievably charming.

"I missed you." He murmurs.

"I missed you, too. "

He smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear in a caring manner.

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