Chapter One

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"What the hell do you want from me?" I muttered to the gang that now surrounded me.

"We don't want anything, bitch. " The blond ringleader smiled in a perverted and unnerving way. His name was Cory Matthews, the leader of our school's biggest group of jackasses. He got in my face. His breath smelled like cigarette smoke and I heard some of his gang members snicker.

"Then why don't you leave me alone?" I said evenly. I will not let them see me scared. I will not let them see me scared. Because even though I seemed tough, inside I was trembling.

"Because actions speak louder than words. And you've got two strikes against you." Said a mean looking brown haired delinquent with a scar on the bridge of his nose.

"What are you talking about?" I hissed over Cory's shoulder. "What the hell is your guys' problem?" I knew damn we'll what their problem was too.

"We're talking about you not learning to keep your mouth shut. " Cory pushed me and I stumbled.

During lunch that day I was standing in the lunch line. I heard some of the gang talking real bad about me. Real bad. The kind of bad that makes your blood boil. I lunged for a packet of ketchup and turned around, vlutching it until the red paste erupted all of the person behind me. "Shut your damn mouth before I shut it for you! " I had told him. Then I realized it was Thomas Richford. He was second in command in the gang, right behind Cory. Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't get back handed right then and there. He was six foot two to my five foot nine, about 200 pounds of muscel and and 98% pure, unadulterated testosterone. So I knew he could kill me if he wanted to. But he didn't, so I considered myself lucky.

But bless my ballsy heart, I'm a gluten for punishment. Later I spotted Cory pushing a mentally retarded kid up against the lockers. That ticked me off, more than Thomas' cussing me out. I pushed Cory off and told him that I had half in mind to knock his nose so far up your brain, it made him retarded. I walked away with no more harm than minor uncalled for slut shaming, so I was thinking I was lucky for not getting my head ripped off. But I guess my luck had run dry. I didn't know they were saving their pitty party for later.

"I doubt I am the one with difficulty shutting my mouth." I snapped in Thomas's direction.

"Oh, but I think you are." Cory nearly whispered. His eyes glistened in the pleasure of making my life hell. I was terrified. But he didn't know how tough I was and it was about time he figured it out.

"Well apparently you all are desperate for a fight. I'd hate to keep you waiting." I announced with confidence as I threw my hands into the air.

"You sure you know what you're doing, darling?" Cory replied with a wicked smile on his face.

I flipped him off in defiance.

He peeled off his leather jacket and started to slowly circle me. Wait a minute. Was I really about to pick a fight with one... two..... three... four...five guys twice as big as me? I was just trying to figure out a way to sweet talk my way out of it when Cory hit me with a left hook. It hurt so bad, I wanted to start crying, but instead I looked him dead in the eyes and laughed. "Oh, now you've done it, you sonofa-"

He went to punch me again but I ducked and got him in the gut. He bent down to grab his stomach, and I kicked up my knee and kicked his nose. Instantly, blood started flowing out of his nostrils. When the rest of his gang saw that I had the upper hand in the fight they got involved. Thomas grabbed my arms and shoved me up against the school. The white stone was hard and cold, just like his eyes. He had his right arm up, hand balled up in a fist, while the other clutched to collar of my denim jacket.

He was just about to swing when I heard the kid with the nose scar say "No, no, no, Tommy." He sauntered up and pulled Thomad off of me. "Don't corner her. Bad sportsmanship." He winked at Thomas and walked away. There was pleasure all wrapped up in his voice. Thomas looked at the guy and back at me. Without taking his eyes off me he said, "Ok. If that's what you want, man." And he slowly released me.

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