Chapter Six

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"Avery. Wake up."

I groaned and opened my eyes. Sunlight trickled through the blinds of the window I was facing. I forgot where I was, but then I remembered. I rolled on my back and saw Matt. His hair was messy and he was wearing no shirt and sweats.

"Avery, you're gonna be late if you don't get ready for school."

"What time is it?" I blinked.


"But school doesn't start until 8."

"Yeah, well my mom's job starts at seven, so we leave early. Get moving."

I rolled off my mattress and walked out the door. DJ was already gone. I walked into the kitchen, where Matt was. I opened the cupboard for a sign of poptarts, but found none.

"What do you guys eat in this house?"

"Frozen waffles." Matt responded as three popped out of the toaster.

"No poptarts?"

"You eat those things?"

"I live on those things. They're my life."

"Well, re-think your life. Because those are gross." He smirked.

I looked fake offended and took a waffle from his hand and took a bite, as I walked to the bathroom.

"I was gonna eat that!" He called after me.

"I'm using your toothpaste!" I called back.

"Fine. Steal everything that belongs to me!"

I laughed. I walked into the bathroom and looked for toothpaste. When I found it, I squeezed some on my finger and brushed my teeth. I really hope I get a toothbrush soon... After I was done, I looked for soap to wash my face but found none, so I just used water. I heard a knock on the door.


"Hey, Avery? I have some clothes for you to borrow." Malissa said. I opened the door. She had khaki shorts and a blue blouse in her hands. My eyes bugged out of my head. Those would be the nicest clothes than I've worn in years.

Malissa chuckled. "You like them?"

"They're so pretty!"

She laughed again. "After school, you and I will go shopping. If you're staying here for a while, you'll need a few things."

I looked away from the clothes and up to Malissa. "Malissa, thank you so much for letting me stay. It means so much to me."

She reached over and touched my cheek. "Of course, dear." She placed the clothes in my hands and walked away. I went back into the bathroom and slipped them on. I don't want to brag, but holy crap. I looked good in those clothes. Monica would freak. I found a brush Malissa left out for me and put my hair in a french braid. I opened the door to get out, and accidentally pushed it open on DJ.

"Oh, DJ, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there!"

She looked up at me with those same, sad eyes with a hint of a smile on her lips. She pushed past me and walked into the bathroom. I frowned and walked to the living room.

I took a seat on the couch and stared out the window. There was a gorgeous view of the colorful maples in the forest that Matt and I ran through yesterday. Malissa burst through the kitchen doors.

"Avery, I'm sorry, but I forgot to make you a lunch!" She makes her kids lunch for school? These kids had it good.

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