Chapter Twenty- Five

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The next morning, the sun streamed through my new baby blue curtains and softly landed on my face as I slept on my air mattress with Grace sleeping in her bed by my side. I stretched and sat up with a soft smile on my lips. Today was a new day. I got out from under my covers and walked to my window, stretching my oversized T-shirt I slept in to make sure it covered my butt. I opened my curtains and blinds and peered out my window. The freshly fallen snow glistened in the radiant morning sun.

"Thank God for new days." I said o myself. My voice was scratchy from not being used in twelve hours. That's right! Twelve hours of sleep! Can I get a whoop whoop? I looked at the time. It was 6:30. Malissa would drive us to school today, so I didn't need to be ready until 6:55.

I thought of what I needed to accomplish today: I owe Matt, Cory, and especially Triston an apology. I ran downstairs as quietly as possible. I threw two waffles into the toaster. I got out syrup, whipped cream, butter, chocolate chips, and a strawberry cut in half. If you are going to apologize to someone, do it right. The toaster dinged and popped out the golden brown waffles. I put them on a plate and added a little butter. I drizzled on some syrup, stacked them on top of each other, added a cloud of whipped cream and sprinkled on some chocolate chips. I delicately placed on the two strawberry halves, finishing my picture perfect waffle breakfast. I filled a glass with orange juice and carried the the meal down the hall. I pushed Matt's door open and walked in. Light from the hallway trickled into the room and Matt stirred under the covers. I sat at the foot of his bed and gently shook his feet.

"Matt? Are you awake?" I whispered.

He groaned in response and smothered his face into his pillow.

"Hey, goofball. Wake up. Your waffles are getting cold."

At this he rolled over and sat up. He looked at me drowsily and blinked. "That's for me?" He asked groggily as I slid it towards him.


"Did you poison it?" He took a bite, not caring what my answer was.


"Why are you feeding me?" He asked with a mouthful of waffle and whipped cream on his nose.

"You eat like a two year old." I laughed. He went cross eyed to look at his nose and wiped the fluffyness away. "I'm sorry for yesterday." I said.

"You should be." He said casually as he stabbed half of the strawberry.

"I know. You were right. I had no right to talk to him like that. There's just no excuse. He's not just a good friend of mine, but he's your best friend, and you stood up for him. I overreacted towards both of you and I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?"

"Only if you promise to apologize to Triston." He said as he pointed his fork at me.

"I already had it planned."

"Good." He said. "Then, yes, I forgive you."

"Yay! Thank you!" I exclaimed as I squeezed him in a hug. He laughed and patted my shoulder.

"Ok, ok, get out of here." I stole a bite of his waffle and ran out of his room before he could complain. I looked through my closet to find something to wear and I decided to call Cory. I dialed his number and held the phone to my ear as I pulled on my jeans. The phone rang and rang until it went to voicemail.

"Hi, Cory. It's me. I just wanted to apologize for being a lunatic yesterday. But leaving me on the side of the road in bad weather was a little harsh, don't ya think? Anyway, we should really talk this out. I love you. Bye." I hung up as I put my belt on. I put on a white shirt and a scarf. I slipped on some brown boots and put food in Grace's bowl. My hair was brushed, teeth scrubbed, face fresh, and pits deodorized. I took one last glance in the mirror before collecting my things. With my phone, textbooks, and binder all gathered in my arms, I walked out the door.

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