Chapter Thirty- Five

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"M&M?" I offer Triston as I pull one out of the bag of trail mix.

He opens his mouth and I drop it in.

"Doc says I can go home on Monday." He comments as he throws a baseball above his head and catches it. I was able to bring it in for him when I visited yesterday.

"That's good. It's about time you get off your butt and do something productive." I tease.

"Hey," He sits up in the hospital bed and playfully scowls at me.

I make my face pouty and reply, "Careful, your pretty face could get stuck like that."

"You're a punk, you know that?" He grins.

"Yeah, I do." I lean over and kiss his soft lips. I rest my head on his chest and look out the window. "I'm so thankful you are ok."

"Mhm, me too. Can I have another M&M?"

I roll my eyes and pull a green one out of the bag. Once again, he simply opens his mouth, expecting me to feed him. I toss it in and chuckle.

"Thanks," He says. "I love trailmix."

"Trail mix? More like M&Ms with obstacles. "

He laughs. "Thank you for keeping me company. I can't believe I still have four more days of this place."

"You know I love being here. And, besides, the doctors just want to monitor you for a little longer to make sure you really are out of the woods. "

He grumbled something under his breath.

"Do you know how insanely lucky you are?" I ask. "There is no good reason why you recovered so instantaneously. You woke when the doctors considered it impossible, and you are still fully articulate and normal functioning. That is a pure miracle. Unheard of, even."

"You're right." He says. "And I do know how lucky I am, and I am thankful."

"Good." My phone buzzes. "I am, too." I stand and kiss his cheek. "I gotta go. Mom is here."

He groans. "Do you have to go?"

"Yes. And why are to complaining? I have spent the last three days here with you."

"I know, and you're cutting your fourth day early." He whines.

I roll my eyes and kiss him again, this time in the lips. "Goodbye, I love you."

"I love you, too."

As I get to the door I say, "Don't cause the nurses too much trouble."

I see Mom's dart waiting in the parking lot and I climb in.

"Hi, honey."

"Hey, Mom."

"So? How is Triston?"

I laugh a little. "Being a big baby and enjoying being waited on."

Mom smiles. "I'm sure he appreciates all the attention you've been giving him."

"He enjoys any attention he can get."

"So Blair and Vikki have invited us over to dinner tomorrow night and meet Mr. Moriss."

"That was sweet of them. Although, I'm rather surprised. He's just arriving there tomorrow. "

"It sounded to me like they want to have the morning with him alone, which is understandable, and come evening they want a bit of a party. "

"I can't believe they haven't told Triston yet."

"They want to surprise him."

I shrug and look out the window. I'm not sure that's how I would have handled it. But I am super excited to meet Noah Moriss. He sounds like a remarkable man. And to be raising an equally amazing one such as Triston , the stories have got to be true.

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