The Earl's Fiance

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"Ciel! Ciel! Ciel!" The high pitched squeal rang out through the whole manor I am sure, and Sebastian sighs. 

"That is the Lady Elizabeth. Are you sure you still want to meet her? Because I can stay here with you if you do not, or, I could take you there if you do. She would probably hug you to death, though, but since I would be there, it should be fine." It seemed he had stopped talking to me, but instead was now having an inner battle with himself.

"Sebastian, it's alright. I would gladly meet her, and if things get too rough for me, I'll let you know." I smile reassuringly up at him, and he nods.

"Alright, then little miss." He sighs and holds a gloved hand out to me, and I carefully climb on, sitting on my knees in his palm. "Do let me know if you need my assistance." Sebastian smiles comfortingly, and opens the door, closing it behind him.I haven't been anywhere in the manor but the main hall and his room.

We walked down the hall a bit, nothing making a sound but the soft clicking of his shoes, and the only light from the windows. It was a bit eerie, then he went up some stairs, and stopped in front of a door. "Little miss," He whispers, "Bear with me here, alright?"

I nod. "Alright, Sebastian." Sitting in his palm, he returns to a straight face and opens the door. 

"Master. Lady Elizabeth. This is Mary Ann. She is a guest here for a few days." He bows slightly, holding me carefully.

"She is so cute!" The squeal erupts again, and I know it was aimed at me. "Oh, Ciel! You are so kind to let her stay!" I look up a bit, and she runs over, scooping me out of Sebastian's hand and is holding me tightly.

It hurt quite a bit, but I don't want to hurt her feelings. I can feel my air being cut off. "H-Hello there m-my Lady. A-And I'm not really, I-I am just m-me..." 

"But you are adorable!" She squeals again and hugs me tighter. 

"I-I..." I gasp for air. "M-Miss...d-down..." Just as my vision goes blurry, I am set down on the desk in front of the Earl. "Th-Thank you, My Lady."

"Oh, call me Lizzy!" She giggles and pets me, and I look down, and then the Earl looks at me.

"So, Miss Mary, tell me about yourself. What are your hobbies, interests, so on so forth."

"I-Interests? Hobbies? I don't have many, but, I do sing." I could almost hear Sebastian's smile from the corner of the room. He hasn't heard me say that yet, nor heard me sing. "I don't know a lot though."

"Either way, will you sing something so that I can hear what your voice sounds like?" He didn't sound interested, and I don't want to, but the last time I refused to sing, I was beaten.

Taking a deep breath, I begin. 

"I pirouette in the dark I see the stars through a mirror. Tired mechanical heart, beats 'til the song disappears. Somebody shine a light, I'm frozen by the fear in me. Somebody make me feel alive And shatter me. So cut me from the line, dizzy spinning endlessly. Somebody make me feel alive And shatter me."

I stop and sigh, then look at the Earl and Elizabeth, who were standing speechless. Sebastian speaks. "I shall say what they mean. The way your voice echoes with so much emotion as it fills the room, the way your voice is so powerful from such a small thing like you, it is absolutely astonishing." He walks over and holds a hand down to me. 

"Wait a moment Sebastian." I look at him and smile, then look at the Earl. "Sir, I know you only want me to stay until I am fully healed, but, I was hoping I could possibly get a job here. You don't have to pay me, all I want is to be able to stay here. Perhaps as a maid, and I could do my best." 

The Earl stood silent, obviously considering something. "Oh, come on Ciel! Let her stay and help out a bit! She is too cute to leave alone now, and look! Sebastian seems to have taken a liking to her! It's not often he smiles like that."

"He just likes cats, Elizabeth. And she is half cat. See?" He tugged on my tail and ears, and I pull away falling back onto the desk and frown.

"I may be half cat, but I am still a lady." I felt the familiar cotton lift me off the desk. "Thank you, Sebastian," I whisper and adjust myself in his hand then look at him. He did seem to have a very fond smile on his face, and he has been smiling a lot. But he likes cats. Am I just a pet to him?

The thought of this made me tear up since that is all I have ever been. A pet. Someone to keep in a cage. Someone to beat when they feel like it. No, not someone. Something. As if I were just a replaceable item you get from the store. But I'm not. I am a half human being.

"Little miss?" Sebastian speaks, and I realize that we are already back at his room, and he is looking down at me, worried. "What on earth is the matter?" He pulls his clean handkerchief out of his pocket and uses the corner to wipe my face gently. "You are not hurt from what my master did are you?" He lightly pets my ears. 

"No, more like emotionally hurt. I was thinking about something the Earl was saying, abut you only helping because I am a cat. He sais something like that. But, is it true? Are you only helping me because I am a cat? Because I am nothing more than a pet to you?"

Sebastian looked shocked for a moment before clearing his throat. "Perhaps we should get you some things in town. Clothes, a better bathtub, doll things." He smiles nervously at me. "I could help."

"You are avoiding my question. Am I just a pet to you?" My heart was racing as I anticipated his answer, hugging my shoulders, I frown and look at him. His hesitation makes the answer very obvious, even if he hasn't said it yet. "Sebastian." 

The hesitation in his voice as he speaks sent shivers through me, like this was a bad idea. "Miss Mary...I am afraid the answer to that is..." He trails off, leaving the room in an eerie silence.

(A Black Butler FanFic) Sebastian's NekoWhere stories live. Discover now