Dreams Hurt

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I wake up with a scream and hug my knees looking around, when I am lifted into the air by gentle hands, and I look up at Sebastian's worried face. "Little miss, are you alright?"

Shaking from fear, I nod and look down, shaking off the fear from my dream. "Y-Yes..." My voice cracks, making it obvious I am not, and on the verge of tears.

"Poor little kitten. It must have been a dream. Do tell me about it. I wish to help." I can hear the frown in his voice, but I don't look at him. 

"No. I'm sorry to wake you. What time is it?" I keep my head down, but he sets me on my feet on the bed, tilting my head up to him with a finger gently. "I'm fine." I pull away and sighs softly. He then grabs my arm between his fingers and looks down at me. 

"Little miss, I must ask of you to not ignore what troubles you, for it could make you hurt even more." Sebastian picks me up and sits on the bed, sitting me in the palm of his hand. "Now, do tell."

"I don't want to talk about it. It hurts to much to bring up my past, and I am still tired. I am going back to sleep." Looking down, I just lay my head on his fingers, which are soft from the gloves, then close my eyes until a think a moment. Gloves while you sleep? Opening my eyes, I look over him to realize he is still in his butler's uniform. "Sebastian, you didn't change?"

I can feel him tense, and he sets me down. "No, I did not. For a fair reason though, for...I have to wake up early." Now that is a lie. He hasn't slept at all, and he doesn't even sound tired. I turn my head, and sun in pouring through the window. 

"It is already morning, and you are lying. I have grown quite able to tell if someone is lying, and you sir, are. I am sorry of this accusation, but it isn't hard to tell, but you don't seem to want to lie." His eyes. I can feel them, almost like they are burning a hole through me. My ears flatten to my head, and I curl my tail around me, cringing and look up at Sebastian. The gaze I received reminds me too much of Trancy's, and I back away.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I truly am!" Backing away, his eyes softened and he held a hand back out to me, but I keep backing up.

"Little miss, I apologize if I startled you." His voice was gentle and his eyes showed concern. "Mary, please. Stop backing away." 

"Wh-Why did you get so upset?" I whisper, then slip, falling off the bed and land with a 'thud' on the cold hardwood floor. "Ah!" I hiss in pain, Sebastian reaching his hands down. I grab one of his hands, and he lifts me back up onto the bed, cupping them around me. 

"I tried to warn you." He sighs sadly, gently running a finger over my arms and back. "Does anything hurt to touch?" His finger brushed my side, and I hissed in pain, causing him to pull his hand away. "Where does it hurt?"

"M-My side. When you touched it, it felt horrible." He nods, holding a hand out to me, and I take a small step back, but give in, sitting on his palm. "Wh-What are you doing?"

"I am going to make sure it isn't broken. Now, hold still please, and this may hurt a bit." He takes his smallest finger, running it over my side.

The pain was almost unbearable. But he told me to hold still, and hold still is what I shall do. I let out a small cry of pain, and that leads him to pet my ears and try to comfort me a few minutes before continuing to feel my side. 

Then, he stopped. "This will definitely hurt, but, it must be popped into place miss." His finger pressed into my side, and I thought my heart was going to explode from the pain. I let out a scream of pain and shake violently, closing my eyes.

I can feel Sebastian's gentle hands scoop me up and I can hear his worried voice. "I am sorry miss. All I wanted to do was help, and I hurt you more." No, you didn't. The pain is gone, and I thank you so much.

"N-No...it actually feels much better..." It made me very tired for some reason, and his hand cup a little bit, allowing me to rest my head on his fingers and close my eyes. "Th-Thank you.." 

"Mary? Are you alright? Mary?" He looks down at me, worry filling his eyes and voice. "Don't fall asleep. I don't understand why you are so tired now, but please. Don't fall asleep. If you do, you may not wake up again. Little miss, just focus on my voice."

I focused on his voice, but I continued to grow more and more tired. "A-All I did...was fall...off the bed..." I murmur. Why was he so worried for a stranger? I don't understand.


"It's your fault!" Trancy screeches, kicking me once again, sending me flying into the wall painfully. I already had blood trailing down my face and arms, my hands cut up. 

I lay helplessly on my stomach on the floor, and struggles to push myself up, my arms shaking, being kicked again. Rolling across the floor, I cry and look up at him. "P-Please! I-I don't know what I have ever done to you!" 

"My best maid is dead now because of you! You worthless little brat! No wonder that girls parents sold you. You are nothing but a burden to anyone who crosses your path. It makes sense, you are a black cat." It wasn't my fault. She was going to help me and you shot her.

I whimper and fall back to my stomach, laying there as my vision became blurry. My whole body trembled and shook from pain and fear. I was emotionally and physically scarred and wounded. Worthless...Burden...Brat...The words repeat in my mind as I am picked up and thrown against the bars of the cage, but I am broken now. No friends. No family. No one to call my own. 

The cage door stays open, and he holds up a metal collar and chain, clamping it around my neck and hooks the chain to the cage. I tried to move, but any little movement cut my neck. So I sit there. I sit there with my broken soul, and my broken heart. My broken mind and body.  As the cage door closed, I looked at the blood running down my arms, then I realize my neck is cut from the collar, and I fall to the ground, unconscious after the whole ordeal.

~End of Flashback~

Putting a hand to my neck, I run a finger across the scar from that fateful time. I am still dreadfully tired, and can no longer focus on Sebastian's voice as my eyes close into the welcoming darkness but I can hear Sebastian right before I do. "Mary, no. Don't fall asleep!"

(A Black Butler FanFic) Sebastian's NekoWhere stories live. Discover now