"Works for me!"

"Yessssssss!!!" Wanda mumbled and Pietro said at the same time. .

The Date:

You sat at a small booth with authentic bear lights and paw print shaped plates. Pietro had been five minutes late and you wished you had not cut your nails so that you could bite them down again. (its nerve-wracking when you are waiting for a date...not that I would know since I'm a loner...)

Finally you saw him hustling in through the wooden door. He quickly saw you and rushed over. You politely stood up and hugged him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, Have you ordered yet?" He asked, fiddling with something behind his back. You shook your head suspiciously.

"Um..would it be rude if I were to ask why you were late?" you asked him, slightly embarrassed for asking because it sounded rude and snotty.

"No it wouldn't. I was late because I had to pick up..um..something for you." he said, only slightly confident.

"Oh you didn't have to get me anything! I am perfectly fine without that something, but while we're at it...what is it?" You said, smiling.

Pietro chuckled quietly and sat down in front for you. "I can't tell you that sweetheart."

You sighed and started a new conversation. He cracked a bunch of jokes to get you laughing.

Finally, it was getting late and you had to be home by 12. Your roommate had an early meeting in the morning and she is a light sleeper so she did not want you to come home and wake her up.

"Oh its getting late. I've got to go. We should to this again sometime." You said, placing your napkin on the table.

"Oh I almost forgot," he said, pulling out  a brown bag.

"Pietro..you really shouldn't have..." you said, taking the bag from him. You opened the bag and saw a another bag. It was green (your favorite color). You laughed and speed that bag to reveal a small blue box. You started to get confused and a little excited. It looked like a ring box.

"Don't get stressed. I'm not asking for your hand in marriage, but if you'd accept-" You smiled as you opened the box. He stopped talking and stared at your face as the sight in your hands lit up your face.

A glowing emerald bracelet. Glowing, yes, glowing. By a light at the bottom on the box.

Tears welled up in your eyes. "Pete...its gorgeous..." you told him. You finally pulled your eyes away from the bracelet.

"I..um...I just wanted to give you a present you you'd remember," He said shyly. You looked into his eyes.

"Because you think I wouldn't remember you after this date?" You said softly, takings his hand.

"Um..yeah." He said shyly. He must have had some trouble with dating in the past.

"You know that's not true though right?" You said.

"I do now." 

You felt slightly hurt that he thought that you would leave him after this date. He seemed to notice your discomfort and he frowned. "Many of the dates that I've went on have turned out to be a waste of time. They just like that I pay for dinner and then they leave after the first date."

"Did you notice that I had a salad for dinner?" I asked him. (not that all girls do that.)

"No. I didn't notice...I'm so stupid. Y/N I'm sorry for this. I really like you and I just don't want you to leave me. And I-" You cut him off. 

"Piet! Can't you see? I'm not gonna leave you, goddamnit!" You whisper-yelled, earning a couple stares. Pietro looked at you.

"I believe you."

He Kisses You/I Love You's

You told Pietro you loved him before he told you. This is how it happened.
Pietro asked you an another (ANOTHER) date. He set up a nice picnic at a nearby park. There were some kids at the playground and you watched them run around and play games. You both talked a little bit, but you both just wanted  to ponder and people-watched. 

"Hey Pietro?" You asked, still staring forward at a cute little girl playing tag with her tiny teacup sized dog.

"Yeah Y/n?" He said, looking at you.

"Do you want to know what I forgot to say the day I yelled at you on our first date?" You asked him, smiling to yourself.
You looked at him with eyes full of love.

 "I forgot to say, I love you." 

Piet looked shocked, but he smiled nevertheless. "I forgot to tell you that I love you too." 

He leaned in and kissed you on the lips. 

Pure bliss is what you felt. Bliss and love for Pietro Maximoff. 

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