"So we can talk."

"Ugh" I teased.

"No seriously come on, lets start with... I dont know, like setting boundaries or something." he offered.

"Fine. How bout, you cant sit in my office and throw shit at me all day." I suggested.

"Deal, but that means no more seducing for thrill." he stated.

"I... Can... Do that." I sat up.

"And another thing." he pushed my hair out of my face.


"Honestly... Sometimes I feel like you don't have enough time for me in your life." He confessed.

I took a deep breath, trying to think my words out thoroughly. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest to buy me some time as I thought.

"Nic?" He asked.

I pulled away and looked him in the eyes, "maybe you're right."


"No no let me finish."

"Okay." He gave in.

"I'm busy, I'm used to working long hard hours and not having much time for the people around me." I explained, "Lydia and I were able to make due with that. And, as we have already come to realize.. What worked for Lydia and I doesn't always work for you and me. Therefore, I'll change that, and we will come up with a schedule we both can agree on. Okay?"

He smiled.

"Come on let's work it out right now and we can give it a test run tomorrow." I pecked his lips.

"Okay, what if you leave at this time everyday, this gives us down time before the evening." He suggested.

"Then thats 2less hours I have to actually work." I thought aloud, "fine.. I can go into work earlier."

"You get there at 5:30 already Nic."

"4:30 isn't too much worse." I defended.

"What if you didn't have the same schedule everyday?" He pitched, "you have alot of things to balance, work, sleep, us, your friends, OJ.."

"So.. How many hours do you NEED to work in a week? Give me a minimum." He began.

"Eh... 50-60 I guess if I work mad hard." I estimated.

"You need to take the weekend off Nic." He said sternly.

I grabbed a piece a paper and started scribbling, "what if I can get 60 hours in.. And just work half days on the weekend."

"How so?"

"Okay so 10hours a day plus a 1hour lunch break Monday through Friday is 5am-4pm." I analyzed, "then 5hours without a lunch break on the weekends."

"No lunch break?"

"I'll go in from 6-11am. It'll be about lunch time by the time I leave." I reasoned.

"Now the rest of your time?"

"Okay sleep.. I can deal with what 6hours a night?" I guessed, "so if I need to get up at 4am I need to be asleep by 10 each night."

"You also have that extra hour for weekends."

"So 11 on the weekends." I scribed.

"I'll make sure you're in bed on time." He placed his hand on my lap.

"Whats daddy gonna do if I dont keep up with my bedtime?" I teased.

"I'll make you take a sick day." He warned.

I stuck out my tongue, "touché"

"Whats next?" He refocused the subject.

"Okay.. Us?"

"Well, I think I deserve at least 4hours of your day on a weekday." He stated.

"Lunch hour, and 7-10pm." I calculated.

"And weekends?"

"6-11pm" I crossed my arms.


"4-6pm with OJ on weekdays, 6-7 with friends.. Aka Lydia and Vanessa." I noted, "Lunch with Lydia and OJ on the weekends, 11-1. 2-4 is spent with just OJ. And 4-6 is with Lydia and Vanessa."

"Alright thats all 24hours of the 7days in a week Nic." He took the paper.

"Now I just learn this schedule and make it work." I shrugged.

"Well right now... Its my time with you so..." He raised an eyebrow.

QOTD: If I were to do a sequel... Where would I end this one? And what would go on in the sequel?"

AOTD: I mean... I started the prequel. But umm...

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