Chapter Seven......

Start from the beginning

I groaned as soon as I heard him shut the door again and turned to Louise.

She raised her eyebrows as if to ask what was going on.  I simply waved my hands and walked to John’s office to find Anthony sitting comfortably on the chair with one leg foot crossed over to meet his knee.

‘Well if it isn’t Maxine? Big top lawyer now are we?’ he smiled

I simply ignored him and carried on standing in front of the door.

‘Maxine, come here and sit next to me. Grab a chair or something.’ John said as he pulled out the folder that I was guessing contained all the details concerning this case. I don’t know why, but suddenly I felt slightly neglected. I guess I must have liked John’s attention because now that he wasn’t focusing on me but was instead being the lawyer in action that he was, I felt a bit pushed away. Anyway, I took a chair and pulled up next to him, enjoying the warmth that his body was giving off.

‘I’ve been told that you two are acquainted with each other, but for the times in which we meet, I want there to be a professional atmosphere please.’ John said still not looking up, but instead looking through the case of Anthony Evans.

It was quite a big case meaning that there must have been a lot of evidence, statements and meetings as well as bills.

I looked up from John’s flipping through the folder straight to Anthony staring straight at me.

‘Mr Evans, I would appreciate it if you would stop staring at me in that manner.’ I stated.

Instantly, John looked up and stared at Anthony.

‘Mr Evans, I believe I made an important point earlier that we were to maintain a professional atmosphere during the meeting.’

‘Has the meeting begun? You’re still looking at stuff. I think I have the right to look at my girlfriend.’

I nearly choked on my saliva when he said the world ‘girlfriend’, but thankfully I didn’t.

‘I’m not going to tell you again Anthony. I am not your girlfriend! Get that through your thick skull.’

Seconds later, there was a light pressure on my knee and my body turned its heat up just a little bit.

‘Calm down.’ John whispered simultaneously moving his hand up and down my knee.

I shook my head slowly and for some reason stroked his hand on my knee.

John froze at that action and I could see his whole body becoming a stone before me.

‘John?’ I asked. Looking at him with worried eyes. Why had he frozen? Were my hands cold? Had I hurt him or something?

‘Mr Evans, I’m sorry but could you excuse Miss Rivers and I for a moment?’ John said in a calm demeanour, all the while still frozen, apart from the movement of his lips.

Anthony slowly got up without question nor statement, walked outside of the room and closed the door behind him.

A nanosecond later, John pulled me to him in a rush and smashed his lips against mine. I didn’t even wait for instruction, I simply pulled him closer, enjoying the feel of his body against me separated only by the comfort of chairs. As if he read my mind about the chairs, John lifted me up out of my seat and positioned me so that my legs were wrapped around him. Something about the way that he carried me so effortlessly made me hot all over. How sexy was that? That John could carry me like I was nothing. I kissed him like there was no tomorrow, trying to taste every inch of those gorgeous lips, trying to leave my mark as the kiss of his  life, trying to show him just how much I had been waiting for this kiss even though I shouldn’t have been.

I shouldn’t.

I shouldn’t.

I pulled away quickly.

‘No no  no no no, keep going. Kiss me Maxine. Just one more time.’ He pleaded.

I should have said no. I really should have. I should have gotten up from his lap, pulled myself together and walked straight into my office without a backward glance and stayed there.

But I didn’t.

Instead I pulled John to me slowly, making love to his lips and showing him how much I was attracted to him. I bit and sucked and licked, tasting every inch of his delicious mouth until I felt something harden underneath me. Something big. I gave him one last pack, got up, pulled myself together and walked right out of the office.

‘What was going on in there?’ Anthony questioned, coming out of nowhere and bursting my bubble of happiness.

‘None of your business. I think Mr Grays should be able to see you now.’ I smiled.

I grabbed my purse from my bag and strutted down to the Chinese restaurant to eat some food as well as think.

For forty minutes, I thought. I berated myself for kissing him. Although it was the best kiss of my life, it was also a bad mistake. I was meant to be separating business from pleasure, and here I was, kissing my boss until his little man, or in this case big man, showed his appreciation and decided to make his presence known. If my dad could see me now, he would probably shout at me. I had been warned about the calamities of dating your own colleague, whether it be boss or secretary. I shouldn’t be doing this.

I picked through my curry little by little until the plate was empty and I was full and all thought out.

I concluded at the end of my lunchtime that I had to ignore John. Even though he was the best lip locker in the entire universe, I had to keep away from him. He wasn’t good for me. Even though he made me feel things that I wasn’t meant to be feeling towards my very own sexy boss, I had to stay away. It was for my own good.

So when I walked into my office, I was clearly shocked to see John sitting very comfortably against my desk.

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