Meeting Ester and Emma

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Chapter One: Meeting Ester and Emma

Now, let me think. Where should I start with the story? I will start it off a week before she died. Yes, Yes! I remember it as if it were yesterday. October 24 a Monday 7:00a.m. There was autumn in the air orange, yellow, red, and brown leafs covered the grounds. The trees were black as death. The sky was full of dull gray clouds and a cold breeze would come around now and then. The weather stayed the same for that whole week. Well, at least that what I remember. Let me start where I first got the Idea, at West Brook High School in the girl’s bathroom.

I was in the girl's bathroom sitting on the toilet writing down all the steps I needed in order for me to get rid of her.

The List:

1. Get Her to Notice You

2. Talk to Her

3. Get Her Friendship

4. Get Her Trust

5. Death Trap

(If Step 5 fails)

6. Kill Her Old Fashion Way

P.S. Kill anyone who Gets In My Way.

A Devilish smirk slowly appeared on my face as I examined the list Ester made.

"This Can't Fail." Ester said.

"But what if something goes wrong?" Emma said worried.

"Don't worry! I'll take care of everything." Ester said.

"Every time you say that someone always gets hurts!" Emma said sounding like a child.

Emma and Ester went back and forth inside my head, bickering about the plan. My head started hurt from all the yelling they were doing. I just could not take it anymore!

"Stop it, the both of you!" I yelled

"Emma is being a big baby!" Ester said.

Emma then started to cry.

"I just don't think you should kill her. Maybe you just need to talk with mom. Yea, maybe mom can help you." Emma said sounding Innocent.

"Your right, Emma, we shouldn't kill her. It just wouldn't be right." I said calming down.

The idea of killing her left my mind.

"You should go talk to your mom about your problem before you hurt someone else." Emma said.

The school bell then started to ring interrupting my thoughts.

Ester and Emma then left my mind with those same words echoing in my mind.

"Emma is right. I should learn to listen to her more." I said to myself.

I then left the girl's bathroom and went to class with Emma's words still in my mind.

Would a lunatic be smart enough to make a plan? No! No! Maniacs are Stupid and have zero brain function. Who were those people? Oh, Oh I remember! Now, I know. Emma and Ester, Emma is the sweet innocent child. Ester, is the very opposite of Emma. Yes, Yes! It is all coming clear to me now!

Ester and Emma betrayed me a long time ago. About ten or nine years ago, they left me, left me all along but now they are a part of me now! Now, they can never leave me again. They were the ones who help me with my killings. Ha! You actually thought this was the first time I had killed someone! Ha! Ha! Do not make me laugh.

When I was ten, I killed more than just one! No, No! I killed seven girls. Wait, Oh Wait, was it that many? Yes, Yes! It was. I would tell you the story but much another time. Could a Madman kill people at the age of ten? No, No! I think not! It takes pure brains and great skill to kill!

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