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Innocent, there is no such thing! Well, at least in this world there is not. Everybody has their wicked sins they hide away deep inside. Everybody has his or her lies and secrets they hid from people. I even have some lies and secrets that I keep to myself. The lies and secrets I hide should have got me executed a long time ago. However, it is not my fault she would torment me with her happiness and smiles. You know what they say 'you mess with the bull you’re going to get the horns'.

Yes! I said it I killed her and I enjoyed doing it. I enjoy seeing the blood oozing from her body! Oh, I am sorry let me start from the beginning. Therefore, you can understand why I killed her in the first place. I had to, I had to, ---- and I had no other choice. Her pretty looks was a threat to me. Wait, Wait was it her features that I despised so much or her life her happy go-lucky life style.

Yes, Yes! That was it. Her life, her life was the problem. How could her life be so perfectly sane? Her life was always full of daisies and sunshine all the time. She had to die nobody should be able to enjoy life. Life is full of Darkness, Despair, Death, Rainy Days, and Destruction!

She still haunts me in my mind. It is as if I can still feel her laughing at me. She is out there free to roam the world as nothing but, a shadow, while I am stuck here in this institution of crazy's. I do not belong here I am not a Madman. I am perfectly sane all the time. In my school I was the top in my class all of my reports were all A's. I never had a B in my life.

How could a Madman get all A's on a report card. People who are insane are stupid they would never get all A's on their reports. People had mistaken my smart and cleverness with madness. I can prove it to you I am no Madman.

Listen! In addition, I will tell you how everything started. I will start from the Beginning to the Bloody end!

  "There's No Such thing As a Perfect Crime"

Death by Ballerinaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن