Chapter 39

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He woke up and looked around. He was in a hospital. He looked at his arm, which had several machines hooked to it, but no scars. He got excited. No one he knew could take away his scars but Andy. He sat up, and a nurse walked in.

"Whoa, careful. Not so fast. You just got out of surgery."

Wade looked confused.

"Surgery? And ow, that actually hurts."

The nurse nodded.

"Yes, you just had surgery. Thankfully, it went well and you no longer have terminal cancer. But you need more time to fully heal. Another week or so."

He frowned.

"Not a week, I heal quickly. I'll be fine soon."

The nurse smiled.

"Of course you will. But for now, I am going to put you under again."

She stuck him in the arm, and he fell asleep again.


He woke up, and looked at the scar on his side. It didn't heal. He looked at the clock. He was asleep for several hours. He should have healed by now. He was confused, but was more concerned about why he was here, and not at his apartment. He sat up, and pulled the wires off his arms. He winced in pain, but got over it. He stood up, putting his feet on the cold floor of the hospital. He walked out of the small room and down the hall. He saw a familiar blonde woman with blue eyes walk past him. He blinked, and caught up to her. He turned her around.


He said quietly with excitement.

He pulled her close and kissed her.

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