Chapter 12

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Andy stood against the wall, terrified, looking at Wade.

"You know who I am? I thought everyone had forgotten."

Wade nodded. "Yes, the child of movie stars Arthur and Maddie Peck. Billionares. It was in the papers for years when they died. But weren't you supposed to have died too?"

She shook, not sure what to do.

"Yes, but I was taken the night they died. So people thought I had died. It's why I stay invisible. So no one will recognize me. The media would be all over me, and I would be even more trapped."

Wade stared at the table, unsure of where to look.

"So why won't you let me see you? I'm not the media."

She sighed. "I want to be seen for my personality, not what I look like. And that includes you."

She picked at the stained clothes laying on the table.

"You should get these cleaned. And maybe next time, wear red. It would be easier to clean, and the bad guys won't see you bleed."

Wade nodded. "Red is my color. I'll get started on making a suit."

Andy sat on the couch. "I need to find a way to stay hidden."

Wade's eyes lit up. "I've got an idea. You have powers too. You should have a suit. Be a hero or whatever."

She smiled a bit. "I've no hero. Besides, I don't know how to fight. And I don't know what extent my powers have."

Wade stood up. "I'll teach you to fight. You could be my sidekick! Deadpool and Invisagirl! Wait, can you make your clothes invisible too? Are you naked right now just to stay invisible?"

She laughed, for the first time in fourteen years. "No, Wade. I am fully clothed and invisible. Sorry to burst your bubble."

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