Chapter 24

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Andrea frowned a bit.

"I was planning to show you what I look like, but I wanted to tell you before. I wanted it to go smoothly, not a huge surprise."

Wade nodded, his eyes looking over her face.

She continued, "My mutation caused my body to fix any and all of its physical and mental imperfections. All my scars were gone, my eyes and hair got brighter, my ace smoother and symmetrical. So unhuman looking that when I was standing in the room, someone thought I was a manikin. Then I saw what I looked like, and it scared me. I looked like a living doll, and it was creepy. That was the real reason for hiding what I look like. As for my mind, I had the education level of a en year old. But after my treatment, I understood much more than before. But it didn't give me the courage to leave. To run. Or to even defend myself. So that is why I acted like that, I am sorry for being a burden. You can have your room back. I should leave, and get a real job."

She twisted her hair nervously, and Wade didn't know what to say.

"You aren't a burden. Really. I like having you here. And I think it would be best if you did stay here. We are a team, right?"

He grinned, his lips curving lopsidedly.

She smiled a bit, and nodded.

"You're right. We are a team. And a damn good one at that."

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