Chapter 5

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Wade lay on the cot, pain stinging every part of his body. It was the second week of torture. His eyes were half open, unable to fully close them because of painful cuts near his eyelids. He heard the curtain moving, but didn't bother to look and see who it was.

A quiet voice whispered near his ear. "Stay strong, Wade. You can get through this."

He moved his head to see who was talking to him, but saw nothing.

"I have my own personal ghost to give me motivational talks?"

He smiled weakly.

The voice continued. "I am not a ghost. I want to help you. To get you out, before anything else happens to you. Before it's too late, like me. I'm trapped here."

He scanned his area, looking for the source of the voice, but still not finding anything. There was a faint twinkling sound.

"So how do I get out of here?"

Wade looked around, but didn't hear a response.

Ajax burst in. "Trying to escape? Too late. It is time for your final treatment."

Ryan pushed the gurney to the torture chamber, and put him in the empty tube.

Wade sat in the tube looking around. "A glass chamber. Oooh, I'm really scared."

Ajax chuckled darkly. "This is an oxygen deprivation tank. It sucks out the oxygen until you can barely breathe. Ready to begin?"


Angel checked all the cots, and found one was empty. The girl was gone. Angel began to search for her, finding her by the sound of the bell. With one strong arm she held on, and looked to see where the girl had gone.

"Have a thing for Wilson? Too late. He is in final treatment now."

She roughly pushed the girl onto the cot and buckled her in. "Good luck escaping that one." She walked away to join Ajax.

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