The Begining

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The cold wind whipped through the dark alley, and I look around through some of the garbage bins, hoping for a scrap of something. My black ears flatten to my head, the cold starting to get to me since my dress was old and worn, but it has been two days since I have eaten, and I am starving with not a lot of strength left. "Come on Mary, pull yourself together. Just...just look a little longer." Being six inches tall is a bother sometimes, more like all the time really. But, it helps to stay hidden from those greedy humans. 

Curling my black tail around me, I look just a little more before finding a bit of old fish, and I have to break some off to get it. It smells so disgusting, but it's better than not eating at all. I hop off the bin and land softly on the ground, being a cat it was easy, then sit on the ground. "Just imagine it's one of those huge chocolate cakes from across the street." Sighing, I take a small bite, barely enough to get a taste for most.

I nearly gag. The rancid, putrid taste takes over my mouth in a matter of seconds, and I cannot bring myself to swallow. Spitting it out, I cough and gag, trying to get the taste out of my mouth and frown and look up as a raindrop lands on my head, soaking my hair with freezing water. I hate water so much, and I might as well just give up on finding food for a little bit, no matter how hungry I really am.

Crawling back to the cardboard box I use as a shelter, I curl up as far in the inside as I can, curling my tail around me, and curl into a ball against the corner, trying to stay warm. The top of my box leaks, so I am never completely dry, and I can never be happy. When I am happy or find the slightest ray of sun, someone always brings the darkness back and destroys my light. Closing my eyes, I think about the first time I ever trusted someone. I am eighteen now, and I was seven when this happened. It feels like centuries ago, though.


I was walking the streets of London at night since there are not a lot of people. Staying in the shadows, I was quietly eating the small bit of bread I had found nearby that someone had dropped when I heard a few voices and freeze in my tracks. The first was a young girl, maybe five.

"But mommy, I am not tired! I do not want to go to bed when I get home, can I please stay up a little longer?" I can hear her plead when I hear the mother respond in a soft voice.

"Emma, you know you cannot stay up as late as you want. Your father and I have told you this before. A growing girl like you needs your sleep, and you would be tired in the morning if you go to bed later." I look there way, seeing the family of three walking, coming straight to where I am in the shadows. 

I cringe back a bit to make sure they don't see me, and then the father speaks. "Your mother is right little one, and I agree completely. You will not be able to stay up later until-" He is cut off by the girl named Emma's giggles, and I realize she has seen me because she runs right over to me.

Backing up even more, I look up at her fearfully and frown, dropping the bread crumbs. She looks at me and smiles kindly and warmly, making me relax a bit. "My name is Emma, what's yours?" She looks at her parents, gesturing them over. 

"I-I...I'm Mary..." I whisper, my ears flattened to my head. Looking at her parents, they walk over and kneel down, realizing I was there now. They are too big, making me cringe again.

"She is adorable..." Her mother whispers, and looks at her husband. "The poor thing's out here all alone.." 

Emma holds a hand down to me, and I take a step back, scared. "No, don't be afraid. We will not hurt you." She smiles at me, and I nod slowly, sitting on the palm of her hand as she turns back to her mother. "Mommy, can she come home with us?"

Her mother looks at her father. "What do you think George? I think it would be fine. Even though we don't have a lot, we could offer the poor dear some food and shelter for the night..."

The man known as George nods slowly and looks at me. "Would you like that Mary?" I nod and smile slightly.

The next few weeks went well, until a man visited one day, and spoke to her parents about something. I and Emma were in the other room when her parents came in. "Emma, stay out here. Mary, come with us, please. We have someone we want you to meet." Her mother, who's name I now know as Jess, lays a hand out to me, and I climb on and look at Emma. 

"I'll be back Em. I promise you that." Smiling, her mother carries me out and sets me on the table in front of the man. 

"Hello." I begin. "My name is..." I look up at him and trail off. He doesn't look trustworthy at all. "Mary.." I finish, and he smiles at me, but it is an evil grin, causing me to tremble. He then slides something that looks like a lot of pound notes over to Jess and George, then grabs me. "H-Hey!" I look at him, and he chuckles darkly, putting me in a small cage. "N-No!" I shake the bars and look at the parents. "Why are you doing this?!" 

They look away sadly, picking up the money. I then see Emma in the doorway. "M-Mary?" I look at her, tearing up a bit.

"Emma, please, help me." I stick my arm out through the bars, and she starts to walk over, her mom grabbing her arm. 

"Let her go, Emma."

"But mommy! She is my best friend!" She cries, trying to get to me. "Mary, don't go!" She screams, and the man turns away, going to leave the house. 

"Don't forget me, Emma! I will come back someday!" I call, my eyes blurry from the tears, and I sit helplessly and hopelessly in the cage, crying as the man carries me to an unknown place...

~End of Flashback~

I wipe my eyes and sniffle, the memory stinging my heart. I haven't thought about it in a while, and I close my eyes, going to rest a little bit. "Maybe a nap will help out a bit..." Just as I close my eyes, a male voice causes me to jump.

"Excuse me little miss, but, are you alright?"


I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! If there is something you are missing, here. Mary Ann is a six inch tall Neko, who lives in an alley in a box, and is on the brink of starvation, who doesn't trust anyone. So, there you have it! I won't update unless anyone wants me to, so, let me know if you do!

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