Chapter 40

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--- 40 ---

*Arianna Lancaster*

I sat numb staring down at the papers, not knowing what to think.

I couldn’t feel anything. For a moment there I wanted to stall around that mahogany desk and take out the gun from Mr. Lancaster’s drawer and pull the trigger at my temple.

“I am positive there is an explanation for all of this.” Mr. Lancaster invoked after what seemed like hours and I realized I was crying; silent angry tears rolling down on the paper.

I wish they would just erase every word from it… but nothing would undo what’s done! Chase signed our divorce!

I snapped my gaze at his father accusatorily.

He was looking calm. “Herald Snyder, the lawyer Chase approached earlier to prepare these papers told me that he was very drunk when he signed these.” He answered my unspoken accusation.

I gritted my teeth. But Chase hasn’t been drunk since last week!

As if he heard my shouting mind he continued rather calmly. “I was out of the country for businesses when it happened and Snyder approached me as soon as I was back a day before. Clearly you or even Chase was unaware of this until today.” He looked at me intently –so intently that I felt a forceful power filling up my numb bones. “I know you must be very angry about this.”

I sat up straight closing the file and wiped my tears. “Mr. Lancaster, Chase did exactly what we had planned.” I told him bluntly.

Mostly I was feeling infuriated at Chase for doing exactly what we both didn’t want!

 “Arianna, understand that Chase was unusually drunk. He’s been many things but a drunkard.” I was kinda taken back by his sudden use of slang words and urgency in his voice. “He must’ve been very upset.”

And he has the audacity of paying me billion dollars in return for everything that he did to me!

“Can I have a pen, Mr. Lancaster?” I asked him straight; ready to show Chase he can’t do everything he wants. I’ll leave him penniless!

His face turned blank for a moment like he didn’t expect me to do anything like this.

Even I hadn’t expected this of myself but suddenly I wanted to show Chase that if he can be very upset, so can I be! I am upset and I can sign too.

Mr. Lancaster looked at me for a moment then slipped the pen out from his pocket and gave it to me.

When I took it silently, he sighed and stood up, slipping his hand in his pocket and again turned towards the large window. “I don’t know my son very well, but I know this; he doesn’t make rash decisions. It’s not in our genes.”

I suddenly felt my blood rising.

Was he talking about gene? His blood relations? When he clearly deprived Chase of his own mother!

Maybe I wasn’t angry with Chase. It was him I was mad at. It was because of him Chase did what he did!

“I know he hadn’t wanted to do it –divorce you, because of that ring you are wearing.”

I glanced down. It meant so much to him and he’d given it to me. It couldn’t be just without any reason he gave it to me… and he had been upset when he thought I’d lost it.

My heart pounded as I remembered it. He was drunk when I’d found him…

I crossed my fingers hoping Chase didn’t do it intentionally.

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