Part 16: Ferris wheel and the lost memory

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Song of the chapter: Airplane by iKON

Ri Jin's POV

*You got a new message*

I picked up my phone and checked who texted me.

{Hey Ri Jin, this is B.I. Do you wanna hangout this Saturday? If you can, I will pick you up at 11 a.m. Btw, is it okay if I bring the rest of my members with me? -B.I}

I smiled.

{Sure, why not? And I don't mind if you bring iKON with you^^ I am happy to hangout with them too. -Ri Jin}

Maybe I should let go of Mark since he is really happy with Jessica now. If Mark is feeling happy, then I am satisfied. Beside, iKON seems really nice and easy-going.


I waited for iKON in front of my apartment building.

"Ri Jin ah!" B.I waved his hand and smiled. He was wearing a snapback and a pair of sunglasses. And the rest of iKON kind of dressed up similarly. Oh YG style I guess.

"Hey, B.I sunbae-nim and iKON sunbae-nim." I greeted.

"Yah, why so formal? We are chingu, so you should call us oppa." Bobby smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I nodded.

Bobby is so easy-going.

"So, where should we go?" Donghyuk asked.

B.I thought hard and suggested we should go to Lotte World.

"What do you think, Ri Jin?" B.I looked at me.

"Sounds fun. Let's go!" We got going and hopped on a van.

"So, you are JYPE trainee?" Junhoe who sat behind me; asked.

"Yeah, I auditioned a while ago and PD nim accepted me." I answered.

"You are really pretty." He said and I shyly blushed by the compliment.

"T..Thank you oppa." I looked down because I don't want him to see me blushing.

"Hanbin hyung talked about you alot in the dorm." Chanwoo, the maknae, suddenly bursted out.

Hanbin quickly turned around and gazed at him, mumbled something to him silently.

I chuckled at this scene.

"He is just joking." Hanbin said nervously.

I decided to play along with Chanwoo and joked with him.

"Oh really, Chanwoo? So, what does he usually say about me?" I smirked and looked at Hanbin. He has that terrific look on his face.

"He always says how nice and cute you are. He doesn't like to talk about girls that much before." Chanwoo told me while sneaking a peek at Hanbin.

I looked at Hanbin and blushed. He blushed a bit too.

"Yah, shut up!" Hanbin pouted and hit the maknae's arm.

I got sleepy on the way and essentially fell asleep.


Ri Jin fell asleep. She looked even cuter when she is sleeping. I found a blanket at the back seat and gently put it on her.

"Wooo~~~" Those brats said in union. What!? Jinhwan, you too??

"HanBinie, you like Ri Jin?" Jinhwan smirked.

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