why he's precious

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siNce i feel like being happy lets make a list of reason as to why kuroko is precious

- blue hair + blue eyes

- shy, quiet

- likes dogs

- has a dog that looks like him

- chases kagami around with dog because he doesn't like kagami not liking dogs

- knows how to treat a lady

- even tho momoi probably annoys him, he still deals with her

- never loses hope

- wants tO win as a team

- he's just adorable

- being constantly forgotten about yet it doesn't phase him

- when asked if he could cook he replied with " no one makes a meaner boiled egg than me. "

there are so many more reasons but honestly he's so precious and so cute and please save him

while we're at it i might as well say my top three crushes from KnB because i fucking can

- kuroko ( obviously )

- takao

- apologetic mushroom

i'm becoming kuroko no basket trash and there's no going back

pray 4 me


remember everyone has an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

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