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tiMe tO rAnt

so i've noticed in quite a few animes that the main character is, how do i put this, childish?

i mean that of course since their the mc they're the best and most powerful and have all these kickass abilities but no one will believe them that they're completely incredible based off the way they look.

no one believes edward is the fullmetal alchemist because he's short or whatever

no one believes natsu is a great dragon slayer or whatever he's called

no one believes that meldois ( im crap at spelling ) is the sin of wrath, the leader of the seven deadly sins because he looks like a kid

no one believes yato is a great god

people can't even believe hinata is awesome because his height

my point is i know its for comedy purpose and shock value but i would love to a mc that looks powerful, is powerful and people will believe them when they say who they are

that would v cool in my opinion

or you know, a main character that actually sucks at everything, that'd be pretty interesting

im just tired of the same thing repeating with every anime's main character(s)


remember everyone an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

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