23 8 4

person a ; yo dude i just got this v cute girlfriend

person b ; i also got v cute girlfriend

person c ; i got that date mate

person d ; iM so in love

person e ; in an adorable platonic relationship

person f ; senpai noticed me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

person g ; my bf is the best

person h ; i have a movie plot romance bro

me ;

 * rocking quietly in the corner *

ha h a ha

* looks at picture of denis stoff while listening to troye *

we don't need them, right guys?

* waits for response *

right guys?


* sobs *


hahahahahahnjfinrijenfekmdfo4w opps fml


remember everyone has an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

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