lgbt youtubers

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gUess who found ANOTHER lgbt youtuber?

mEE thats who

imma insert one of his videos

cute lil trans bby

he's cute and he likes anime

it doesn't get better than that

like honestly if you couldn't tell i'm obsessed with lgbt youtubers and especially those within the transgender and non binary community

i've watched too many lgbtq+ youtubers to even begin to list

but like, if i were to

some of my favorites are ;

alex bertie

jake edwards

chandliernwilson ( lmao i probably misspelled that )

and ashley mardell

but yes three cheer for the lgbt youtubers

there are obvious ones like connor franta, troye sivan, matthew lush and tyler and many, many more but you get the idea


remember everyone has an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

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