hahahaha imma quote myself

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apparently i've said things that are rememberable enough to quote

im probably going to regret this

' Me, I can be the gentleman. '

' Are you cancer? '

' I derive from the gays. '

' I'm a white boy.'

' I don't got that movie plot romance. '

' Don't judge me, you're a pervert on purpose. '

' You were the accident. '

' Those winks look drunk. '

' Nothing is straight in your life.'

' She doesn't want your crusty dick. '

' Bippity boopity back the fuck up before I shove my foot up your ass.'

' I'm not pansexual I just think people are really attractive. '

' They're my children. '

' I'm giving you up for adoption. '

' It's a fetus tuba. '

' Model material. '

' Everyone is hot, got a problem with it? '

' I wonder if I scream senpai loud enough Jack will come. '

' She's a lesbian, you have a dick, stop trying. '

' He pays her. '

hahahhaahahahahha i'm laughing because non of these have any context and you're all probably like what the fuck gotta blast


remember everyone has an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

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