fullmetal fuckery

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guess who started a new anime?????? MEEEE
I started no.6 last night and I'm almost done ( last episode I watched was #8 )
I'm not even done this anime and I already feel like its going to break my heart
the opening and the ending songs both make me want to cry
they're v emotional
alsoooo I am forcing myself to watch fullmetal alchemist
I started it once and got to episode 15 (?) so now I'm rewatching those so I refresh my memory before getting back into
I totally forgot where the source of ed's powers came from and his title fullmetal alchemist so for the first two episodes I'm sitting there like this is some fullmetal fuckery but nah
that's pretty much all I've done for the past two nights
remember everyone has an inner pretty setter
drink yO milk and keep on sinning
xoxo - aiden

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