band tag!1!!!1!

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lmao i just realized i haven't talked about music yet on here so let's answer some questions about bands and make it into a tag because i like forcing my friends to answer questions with me

lets do thIS

1. top three favorite bands?

in no order

- pierce the veil

- ghost town

- bring me the horizon

2. favorite song by each of those bands?

i really like ptv's new song texas is forever but my favorite pierce the veil song is probably i'm low on gas and you need a jacket 

my favorite ghost town song is either acid or dracula

and my favorite bring me the horizon song is sleepwalking

3. underrated songs from those three bands?

lol yess

underrated pierce the veil song's is probably the entire selfish machines album, but in particular stay away from my friends and billion dollar house or something like that

an underrated ghost town song is game freak, which ironically is one of my favorites even tho i didn't mention it before

an underrated bring me the horizon song? hmmm, well people weren't too happy with the release of throne but i loved it

4. top three favorite band members?


again in no order

- vic fuentes ( pierce the veil )

- pete wentz ( fall out boy )

- josh dun ( twenty one pilots )

also i special place in my heart is for kurt cobain 

5. what's a band you didn't except to like as much as you do?

uhh twenty one pilots i didn't except to like and i definitely didn't except to love of mice and men as much as i do now

also the neighbourhood and the 1975

6. a band you used to like but now no longer do?

one direction! jfc 11 year old me was in a wrong state of mind

7. a band you used to hate by now have a new found love for?

i used to hate on 5 seconds of summer so much but they're actually p good now, maybe not their self titled album but sounds good feels good had some incredible songs on it

8. a band you won't admit you like?


 i actually really fucking love them come at me

9. a band you think is underrated?

get scared, ghost town, the neighbourhood and kodaline

10. an overrated band?

black veil brides come at me bro

11. a band you love but everyone else hates/dislikes?

falling in reverse 

12. a band everyone loves but you hate/dislike?

like i said, black veil brides

they're not a bad band i'm just not really a fan

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