done with life

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so today I got a new social studies teacher because my other one took parental leave
he's v nice and cool
anyways today he made us all sit in a circle and answer questions about ourselves so he could get to know us better
so we were doing two truths, one lie and this lil fucking bitch stephanie who I can't literally stand and for some reason she dislikes me
that's not point
the point is for her lie she said " my best friends are azlin and birth name "
so done with life
I literally got up out of my chair and said I'm leaving now
and she said right after he said not to name names
jfc women I know you hate me no need to be a massive douche about it
I honestly don't even know what the hell I ever did to her
all I can think of was I said that she was going to break up with her boyfriend wyatt after two months
which she did, right before their three month anniversary
and this was back in november/december so I don't see why she hates me so fucking much
she's so annoying and spoiled and deserves nothing she receives
the girl needs to learn her place before I knock her down a few
but honestly I think makenna might cut her before I get a chance too cx
ahhh high school drama and pointless hate, isn't that fun
remember everyone has an inner pretty setter
drink yO milk and keep on sinning
xoxo - aiden

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