cookies and fnaf

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i somehow convinced my mom to let me make peanut better cookies so yAyyy

i love peanut better cookies v much like hardcore guilty pleasure guys

also now that its dark im going to torture myself and watch five nights at freddy's gameplays and probably watch some more outlast and corpse party while at it because i love scaring the living shit out of myself

its so weird because im total slut for horror games but if you place a scary movie in front me i'll probably laugh at you

pretty much jumpscares are the only things that get me while horror films are so predictable that its laughable 

even though i haven't played any of the fnaf games i'm deep into the lore and may or may not have spent all of last night stalking game theory's channel for fnaf videos

this game is also a giant metaphor and lowkey relatable

the animatronics souls were abused and left to be forgotten and all they really want is peace

especially mangle

mangle was torn apart and put back together badly and was told to try to work again

basically i mean im not that deep in the games

like damn it's scary and psychological as shit


remember everyone has an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

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