how to ruin your life

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- why is it called a building if its already built?
- do dogs think in barks?
- the brain named itself
- why is the word " union " not pronounced like " onion "
- have you ever noticed that you breathe on your own but once you start thinking about you have to tell yourself to breathe?
- somebody is probably meeting the love of their lives right now
- you've probably taken a shower at the same time as your favorite celebrity before
- how do people know how to do the difference between speaking and singing? its not like we were taught or anything
- there's a skeleton inside your body right now
- anyone could commit murder, or rape for that matter
- how to babies think?
- do did we think before languages? who made them?
- imagine if you never existed
- what if you grew up with a different family
- someone is probably dying right now
- there are at least ten attempted suicides every minute
- everyone says people are crazy for being attracted to someone related by blood but its a fact that we as humans are more attracted to people who resemble ourselves, so are they really crazy?
- there's more nipples in the world than people
- spoons are just tiny bowls with a handle
- we're always told to not give into peer pressure yet we're never told not to pressure our peers
- you can't sneeze with your eyes open
- why is it called chile if its hot?
- people die of old age, every second you are getting older therefore every second you are dying

well that's all, thank you for your time
remember everyone has an inner pretty setter
drink yO milk and keep on sinning
xoxo - aiden

Pocky and Sinning with Aiden // JournalWhere stories live. Discover now