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" I'M SO FUCKING GAY. " - OniMakaiii 2k16

fuck same

also i may have found more quotes without context from mE

" How dare you take my own terminology and use it against me. "

" You're greasy as fuck dude. "

" My dick is the gay bone in your body. "

" You're going to bathe in girls? "

" For a panromantic i say i'm gay a lot. "

" It looks like if you punched him in the middle of the face then his head just kind of caved in. "

" Don't drop the ice cream. " // smirks


" Wait that means he watched come out of that place. "

" He looked at me help. "

" Water you doin mate? "

" Don't you mean you are cancer? "

" Yeah he asked me out! .... in my head. "

" I'm gay you wanna go! "

" Ant toni . "

" This shirt is made out of fuck boy material. "

" Yes, I did follow him down the hallway. "

" His friends are right in front of you. "

* just singing the aot theme song badly *

" Build the wall. "

" It's just incest. "

" wHeN yOu tRyy yoUr bEst bUt yOU doNt suCCeeD, oh shit that's a song fuck. "

" I'm still high off of Rylee feels. "

hhahahhahahuenfnio same

but like i've said all this things before opps

my favorite is still high off of rylee because its true

i am still high off of rylee help


remember everyone has an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

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