how to piss me off

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i'm not sure who

but someone tagged me to do something and this was like, 3 months ago maybe

anyway seems all you had to do is list your pet peeves

so lets dO this

1. when teachers give you three assignments all due one after the other

2. when some students have privileges *cough* the french immersion class *cough*

3. americans saying canadians have accents

4. people calling acadians " french canadians ", like no, we aren't called that, its acadian, never in my life have i heard a canadian call a french canadian a french canadian no we call them acadians, a cad de ins, get it right people

5. someone calling you a weeaboo for liking anime

6. " why did you dye your hair? " " what did you do to your hair? "

7. aomine daiki ( im fucking salty about him, fight me )

8. transphobes / homophobes

9. when cis people get mad at trans people for being uptight around them ( is that the word )

10. people who can't take a joke

11. radical feminists / radical christians

12. people who act pissed at you for no reason

13. people determining someone's maturity based on their age

14. just ignorant people in general

15. people who assume just because a male and a female are hanging out it automatically means they're dating

iM not sure how many we were supposed to do but these were the first one's i could think about


remember everyone has inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

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