back at it boi

26 7 5

omf time for more tags rip me

im not tagging 13 this time fight me


1) got any pets?

i have a super annoying dog who needs to stop 

i have 3 cats and 1 had 5 babies and the other had 2 plus this stray that just sort of found our house so rip

2) what makes you feel alive?

omf um, sleeping with sirens acoustic versions tbh

like im not going to lie aesthetic music makes me feel lively

the neighbourhood, halsey, troye sivan, the 1975, ect.

also that type of weather outside where its like warm but its also like super cold, ya know what i mean?

3) how old are you?

im 13 and rageful

4) what are your pronouns?


5) zodiac/birthday?

capricorn and christmas

6) favorite pizza topping?

im a picky ass eating so like pepperoni tbh

7) if you could marry any character, who would it be?

hMMmMMmmMmMmMmMMmmmmMmMMMmmmm omfg im

i'd honestly marry kenma or yamaguchi because they're precious and just aWh

or haruhi because she's adorable 

8) kuroken or kurotsukki?

kuroken tbh

i like both

but kuroken

9) eye color?


10) your first fandom and/or anime?

okAy so my very first fandom was one direction ( rip )

my first anime was death note

and my first anime fandom was either ouran or free! but i'm pretty sure it was free! tbh

11) do you want a tattoo?

hELL yes plz

i can see myself with a full body of tattoos

i want a shit ton tbh

but the ones ive honestly had the idea forever are

the fma quote ; " human kind can not gain something without first giving something in return, to obtain something of equal value must be lost. " or something like that idk help

and  i want bmth song title, can you feel my heart? on my chest and heart monitor on the bottom other side

i also want the most typical ptv quote ; " darling you'll be okay. " written across my chest

the collide with the sky girl on my hip

plus all the ptv album titles somewheres

and i either want ghost town's black moon or game freak girl somewheres on my body

so many ideas tbh, id probably get a dolphin for haru

12) have you ever smoked/drank?

i took my moms vapor once

13) have you ever been to a concert? ( lmao im too lazy to write the full question )


okay my questions ;

1. trans oikawa or agender kageyama?

2. favorite anime siblings?

3. favorite headcanon of yours?

4. any upcoming albums you're excited for?

5. first haikyuu character you fell in love with?

6. kuroko no basket or prince of stride?

7. favorite/most worn piece of clothing?

8. would you were skirts/dresses by choice?

9. any piercing? what ones do you want?

10. most emotional anime opening?

11. have you ever spoiled something major about an anime for yourself?

12. sexuality and/or romantic orientation?

13. if you had the choice, which team in haikyuu would you join?






lmao enjoy frens


remember everyone has an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning 

xoxo - aiden

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