things to make you happy

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since im completely and utterly in love iwaoi i'd just like to list cute lil imagines because i feel like being happy

these are honestly adorable iwaoi things to make the both of us happy

comment some more below because iwaoi makes me really happy


- bubble baths together please

- oikawa purposely making himself shorter when they kiss

- iwaizumi wrapping his arms around oikawa's waist

- they probably tackle each other in kisses

- tickle fights

- watching horror movies and cheesy romantic comedies together

- iwa knowing exactly how oikawa likes his coffee

- iwa keeping oikawa from over working himself

- they probably have so many photo albums that they just randomly look through

- though he'd never admit it, oikawa can make iwaizumi blush like a madman 

- just burying their heads in each other's necks

- iwaizumi kissing oikawa's bad knee

- just imagine valentines day

- iwa shoving flowers in oikawa's face

- saturday date nights

- both of them getting really jealous when someone else tries to flirt with the other

- they just make each other so happy

- surprise visits to each other's universities

- them getting an apartment together and being all domestic

- just being so undeniably comfortable around each other

- oikawa sitting on iwaizumi's lap

- making breakfast together bc their married

- but actually imagine iwaizumi purposing to oikawa

- and their wedding

- someone write and write now and i s2g if you add angst to it im going to kill the both of us

- morning cuddles

- cute lil makeouts

- they like to mumble sweet nothings while kissing the others body so opps

- iwa playing with oikawa's hair

thEyRe just so in love 

they deserve to be happy with each other and out of every ship this one is most likely to become canon and you know it

like ultimate otp right here

someone give me all the iwaoi fluff because please

just please


remember everyone has an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

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