fun fact

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fun fact i've actually only finished a few animes, i've started a whole lot but few i've finished

the ones ive actually watched all the way through are

- death note

- ouran highschool host club

- haikyuu!!

- love stage! 

- danganronpa

- the seven deadly sins

and i think that's all o.O

i've watched the first seasons of fairy tail and sword art online does that count?

the ones ive started and still need to finish / ones im currently watching

- black butler

- attack on titan

- soul eater

- free!

- kuroko no basket

- fullmetal alchemist

- project k

- sword art online

- fairy tail

- the devil is a part timer

- hetalia

- prince of stride

- noragami second season

i think that's all, im not sure

and the ones im planning on starting soon

- no game no life

- guilty crown

- deadman wonderland

- tokyo ghoul

- ass class

- hyouko 

- terror in renosance ( im shit at spelling )

sooo yEah thats bout it


remember everyone has an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

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