why i need a life

36 9 10

guys i get overly excited at the stupidest thing

eXamPlE ;

okay so theres this really hot boy in grade 10 ( i think ) so anywho what happened is on friday my mother dragged me to sobeys and he was working there

long story short i may have followed him around to try to read his name tag

and i think he noticed

liKE literally on monday and tuesday when i was hanging out near his group of friends him i shit you not they all turned to look me so that makes me feel awkward

bUt holy hell this boy is cute

he has science downstairs every time i have french, which is downstairs and my french teacher is v clueless so i'll ask to use the bathroom but instead walk up and down the hallways a few times to look at him

and all lunch today i swear on my life every time he walked by me, he turned around or brought his head up to look at mE

like he was walking down my hallway where i happened to be and he made the bloody effort to turn his back and even do that thing where you walk but you like turn around while walking, yA know what i mean

im probably being overly paranoid and kind of obsessive but if you could see him youd understand

just looking at him or having him look at me legit makes me hyper

i was so riled up after lunch i was even shaking from it

i finished my math test in 26 minutes because the excitement of this boy was on me

holy shit i majorly need a life

because this crush is really bad

he walked by me in the beginning of lunch and my entire face lit up flames, my face was so hot i swear all my body heat just shot up to my cheeks






remember everyone has an inner pretty setter

drink yO milk and keep on sinning

xoxo - aiden

Pocky and Sinning with Aiden // JournalWhere stories live. Discover now