Chapter 79

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One year later

Tobias pov:
"Come on An, hurry up." I say and look at my son who is trying and failing to put on his shirt "Tobias... don't pressure him like that. He will be able to put on his shirt alone some day. But today is not the day..." I sigh and Tris walks over to An who is currently having his head through one of the holes for the arm. I have to stiffle my laughter. She straightens his shirt and he grins. Then he waddles towards me. He nearly falls over but i am quick enough and catch him. Indy pants next to Andrew and always watches out for him. An giggles and i swing him around. Tris smiles. "My two chaotic boys..." she says. I grin. Andrews short brown hair tickles my face and i tickle him. He giggles again. I kiss his forehead. "Cute boy." I say and he grins at me like he understood what i said. "Ok enough of this cuddeling. We will be late for Sophies first birthday party." I nod and help Andrew into his shoes. He giggles when i tickel his feet and i laugh a bit. Tris picks him up and carries him outside. I have the present, An's favourite toys and some food in a bag around my shoulder. We say goodbye to indy because dogs aren't allowed in the hancock building.
Outside the apartment Tris and i lace our fingers and then walk towards the hancock building. Its a sunny and warm day so its relaxing. The last year has been one of the best in my whole life. There was no life thretning situation. Only simple boring life with my family. I love it. The most exciting thing was little Sophies birth. Uri and Mar are so proud and when i look at Tris and our baby boy in her arms i can fully understand them. Tris squeezes my hand and gets me out of my trance. I smile at her and give her a light kiss. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." She answers.

Tris rings twice. I can already hear talking from the inside. Mar opens the door and smiles. She hugs Tris and pokes andrews cheek. She hugs me as well. When we enter the whole room is pink. There is pink wrapping paper on the floor, pink stuffed animals and even a pink cake. Its too girly for my taste but its marlene... Uri with his little daughter sophie on the arm walks towards us. He also hugs Tris and me. "Hey guys. Nice you came." I lightly punch his shoulder. "Of course. Want to play a round of FIFA?" Uri grins. "Of course." He laughs and i gives Soph to Mar. I kiss An and Tris and then follow Uri. I still hear Tris mutter: "Boys..." and can't hold back a grin.
Tris pov:
When Uri and toby disapeared mar and i sit down next to the other girls that already sit on the couch. They all hug me and say hello to little andrew. I hand him to Chris who is always addicted to him. Chris balances him and her small daughter Julia on her knees. She coes over little an. "Why is he so cute? He is so cute! You know you little guy, one day you are going to marry juli or Sophie." I laugh along with the others. Shauna has soph on her left arm and Jonas on her right. She is her godmother. I smile. We all are like a family. We all belong together. I smile and Chris hands andrew back to me. His eyes are still dark blue with a spark of grey. It looks really cute. I sit him on my lab while we just talk about random things.

While we are sitting at the dining table Matt and Nina stand up. Nina smiles at us. "Guys we have news." Matt says and grins. He lays an arm around her shoulder and she says: "I am pregnant!" All girls start squeeling and jump into her arms. "That is amazing." I say. "Congrats." "Good job." We all hug her and then sit down again. The boys already congratulated Matthew. "So how far along are you?" Asks Chris. "About a month now." "Is it a boy or a girl?" "We don't know that yet." We keep on asking a few questions.
When we all sit on the balkony and enjoy the warm evening Cara and Caleb stand up. "Everyone. We also have news." "Oh my... Cara you are pregnant as well?" Shauna asks excited. "No, but Caleb and i are engaged!" My mouth drops open. My brother is going to marry! I hug him closely and then also hug cara. "Congrats guys." I say. Wow, so much is changing. Nina and Matthew get a baby. Cara and Caleb get married. I guess that is the next step for Chris and Will and Matt and Nina. I wonder when Will will propose. I mean they are dating for at least two years now. Everything is changing. For the better. Just when i think that my cellphone rings. Everyone groans. They already know what that means. I'll have to go to the hospital because there is some kind of emergency. I pick up the phone and answer it. My young assistant Carry is on the phone. She seems completly flustered. "Carry. Everything is fine. What happend?" She explains the situation to me. Aparently there is a boy with a broken arm and she panicked because of some reason. "Carry. You will go in the O.R. now and if you need more help i will help you. Okay?" "Okay." She answers after a few seconds.
I walk on the balkony again. "Everything fine guys. Just carry..." nina rolls her eyes at the mentioning of the name. "This girl..." i laugh.
For the rest of the evening we just walk and laugh. Andrew, Jonas, Sophie and Julia all lay next to eachother and wave their arms. They all are adorable and i love all of them.

Alternate Allegiant Ending~it Lasts In Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن