Chapter 73

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One month later (Five months along)

Tobias pov:
I feel Tris rolling from one side to another. I open my eyes. Its still dark outside. I look at her. She is awake and holds her stomach with a pained expression. Immediatly i am sitting upright in the bed. She jumps a bit. "Wow Tobias. You scared me." "Sorry." I mumble. "What is the matter tris?" She sighs and points at her stomach. "He won't let me sleep. He moves and kicks. It hurts Tobias." She whispers the last part. I pull her towards me and she rests her head on my chest. I look at the clock. Its 3 am. "Come on. Lets try to sleep." She nods and i slowly lay down and pull her with me. She moves so she is comfortable. I place my hand on her stomach and rub circles on it. She sighs and kisses my cheek to say thank you. I smile. She wraps her arms around me and her breaths slowly become even. I am asleep fast as well.
When i wake up again Tris is not next to me anymore. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Tris?" No answer. I get out of the bed and walk into the kitchen. There is a note sticked to the counter:
IV, i am getting Indy. I'll be back in a few minutes. VI.
I smile and nod. For the last few weeks Indy has been in a dog school so he learns manners. We tried everything but he just wouldn't listen. I smile to myself. I make myself scrambled eggs and toasts and wait for Tris. We both canceled work for today because my mother will visit us. Tris kind of talked me into that. She said that i should fix my relationship. I sigh. I guess she is right.
When i finished my breakfast Tris still isn't back. Just when i want to get out my phone to call her i hear the key in the lock. The door opens and Tris comes in. She still looks thin but not nearly as bad as in the beginning. Indy pants happily and Tris frees him for the leash. He runs towards me and jumps up. I smile and stroke him. He grew a lot in the past weeks. His head reaches my knee now. I stroke him and pick him up. He licks my face and i laugh. Tris falls on the couch and i sit next to her. Indy lays down on both of our laps. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and she leans her head against my shoulder. She yawns. "Are you tired?" I ask and smell her hair. She nods. "Yeah. The baby won't let me sleep." I nod and steoke her hair. "Sleep a bit. My mother will only be here in a few hours." She nods and closes her eyes. Her breaths even out and i carefully lay her on the couch. I wrap a blanket over her and Indy lays his head on her stomach. I smile. This look really cute. I get out my phone and take a few pictures.
I decide to prepare the food for this evening. I make the salad and the sauce. The radio plays in the background and i hum with the melody.
When i just finished the salad two small but strong arms warp around my torso. I smile. "Hey. Did you sleep well." I feel her nod. She burrys her head between my shoulder blades and sighs. I turn around and lay my hands on her hip. "I love you." I say. She smiles. "I love you too." She stands on her tip toes and fits her lips on mine. I feel her soft lips and smile. We keep kissing for a while before we start making the rest of the late lunch-early dinner. Tris prepares the noodles while i fix the meat. We bought a delicious steak.
When we finished the cooking we put it in the oven to keep it warm and then both decide to get dressed properly. I put on a white dress shirt and black trousers. Tris straightens my collar and smiles. She wears a flowy shirt and tight trousers. She put something under her eyes that makes them stick out but other than that she wears no make-up. You can see her baby bump when you know its there. We didn't want my mother to see it as the first thing when she enters. I smile. "You look beautiful." Her lips tuck upwards. "You look handsome. But that is no surprise." I laugh a bit and kiss her. "You can be nice." I say. She giggles and wraps her arms around my neck. After a while we walk back into the livingroom and sit on the couch. Indy lays in a corner and chews on his rubber bone. He looks happy. I get up and fill fresh water in his bowl and put some food in the other. When i get back to the couch Tris is texting someone. I sit down next to her again. I burry my head in her hair. "Who are you texting." She smiles and leans her head towards me. "Mar. She has a problem." I put my hands on her back under her shirt and let them slide down. She sighs. "On the other hand, Mar can wait a few minutes." She lays her phone away and puts her hands under my shirt as well. We slowly kiss and she tangles her hand in my hair. I slide my tounge in her mouth and she sighs. I squeeze her side and she sits up so she is straddling me. I kiss her neck and she sighs again. I smile and kiss her lips again. They are so soft. We stop our small make out session because my phone buzzes. I sigh and rest my forehead against hers before i answer it. Tris is still staddling me. "Hello? Who is it?" I ask. "Hey its me, Evelyn. I just wanted to say that i'll be there in a few minutes." Tris starts kissing my neck and i have to supress a sigh. "Okay." I press out. Tris kisses slowly travel over my body and her hands roam over my back. "Are you okay?" My mother asks. "Yes i am. I'll see you in a few minutes." I say as normal as possible. Tris sucks on my soft spot on my neck and i press my lips together. "Okay. See you in a few minutes." I hand up and lay my phone away. I point at tris. "You! You will get punished." She laughs and kisses me again. This time i can't hold back a sigh when she kisses my neck again. "That was evil you know." I say while her kisses still travel around my body. "I had to concentrate so hard." She laughs and presses her lips to mine again. We keep kissing till it knocks. Indy jumps up and runs towards the door panting and waving his tail. Tris gets down from me and presses her lips to mine one more time before she flattens her hair and her shirt. I do the same and stand up as well. I step behind tris when she opens the door. Indy squeezes through the small space that appeard and jumps at my mother. She is surprised and a small squeek escapes her. I stiffle my laugh. Evelyn looks at us. "You have a dog." Tris smiles friendly and nods. "Yes. His name is Indy." I know that her and my mother didn't have the best start but she is trying. "Why don't you come in." Tris says and steps aside. Evelyn enters and looks around. I feel slightly uncomfortable because it seems like nothing could escape her gaze. She looks at all out things. Tris gets Indy inside and i lead Evelyn towards the couch. Here we go...

Alternate Allegiant Ending~it Lasts In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now