Chapter 45

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Tris pov:
The door slams. I wake up. I look around confused. It's pitch black outside. I can't see anything. Oh yeah... jeremy kidnapped me. I am confused about how little this is scaring me. But on the other hand i've experienced much worse. Jeremy rips open the car door and smiles at me. "How are you?" "Like you care." I spit at him. "Come on Tris. Don't you understand? I love you so much, i want it to be only me and you." "Jeremy, this is not how it works! I am in love with Tobias, not you. And through kidnapping you won't make it better." "But Tris, addmit it! I wouldn't have had a chance against Tobias." He spits out his name like venom. "B-but just because you like someone it doesn't give you the right to first black-mail this someone and then even kidnapp me!" He looks confused and i sigh "Where are we anyway?" I ask curious. "I'm sorry, i can't tell you untill i am sure that you won't run away." I sigh again. He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the car - gently now. I snatch my backpack and let it hang on one shoulder. He turns on a flashlight and shines at a house. Its a shabby looking house with a plain dark grey colour. The wodden door has scratches and the colour is bladdering from it. "Is this your house?" "No, it was the one from my aunt - Nitas mother - but she moved away and Nita told me about it." I only nod. "You know, i really don't get this. Sometimes you are really nice to me - like right now - and then you suddenly are really mean and hurt me... That is really confusing." Jeremy doesn't answer that question. He just unlocks the door and we enter. He switches on the lights and reveals a plain white livingroom with only an uncomfortable looking couch and a small couchtish. On my right is a doorway with no door in it through which you can see into a shabby but clean looking kitchen. He opens a door to my left and showes me the toilet. Right in front of me are stairs which we climb. Then he turns to me and smiles again, "Come i'll show you our bedroom." I choke "ou-our bedroom?" He smiles and nods. "Yes, our bedroom. Isn't that nice?" "No, come on Jeremy. I can't sleep in the same bed as you." His expression turns from happy to angry in less than a second. "You can't? You can sleep in the same bed as Tobias, can you? Why am i different?" "W-well... because i've known Tobias longer than you a-and..." he interupts me "when you slept with him in a bed first you knew him for a shorter time than we know us." I cross my arms infront of my chest and say: "He didn't kidnap me." Jeremy walks a few steps untill there is nearly no distance between us. "Listen, and listen carefully. If you ever say something like that again you will regret it." Altough i know its stupid, i roll my eyes - i just can't resist the urge. His face gets bright red and he suddenly slaps my face. I am startled. I didn't see that was coming. He leans his face down to mine to our nosetips are only inches away. His eyes are cold and he says: "Don't do something like that again or you'll be punished!" When i do nothing he pulls his face away and smirks. How can he change his mood every second? "You know, i bet you still think your little Tobias will rescue you. But you know what?" He pauses for a second before he adds: "He won't. Although you left him stupid little signs... that won't help him. He has not the slightest idea where you are." He still grins and for the first time, since he started black mailing me, i am afraid. What if he is right? What if i'll die here? What if Tobias never finds me although he trys? I remember Peters maps. Full of land. Everything so big and wide. I could be anywhere. Not even I know where i am - how is Tobias supposed to know? I let Jeremy pull me up the stairs. He guides me towards a large, white wodden door. He opens it and reveals a bedroom with a dobble bed, a dresser, a large window-door that leads to a balkony and two small tables next to the door. When i looked around for a bit i also notice another door. I walk towards it and open it, to find myself in the bathroom. I see a shower, a sink and a bathing tub. I turn away from that and towards Jeremy. "Why are we here?" I ask and he just laughs. After a while he answers though. "We are here because no one will ever suspect us being here. We are here so we can show our love to eachother." "But i don't love you." He walks towards me, slaps me in the face again and walks past me - like it is the naturalst thing in the world to slap me. I am shocked. Is this how its going to work now? He slapping me when ever i say something he doesn't think is the right thing to say? When Jeremy leaves the room i quickly walk over to the window-door and look at the lock of it. Its only a lock which you have to turn to the right to open. I grin to myself. This will be my way out! I quickly step away from the door and into the bathroom.
When i exit it again Jeremy is layimg in bed and has his hands crossed behind his head. "Finally. I already thought i had to break down the door." I don't answer. "Answer!" He demands his voice loud. "What am i supposed to answer? Maybe you should write me a skript of what i have to say." He closes his eyes and sighs. "You don't learn very fast do you?" He gets down the bed and stands infront of me. In a low voice he says: "Take of your shirt!" When i don't obey he forcefully pulls it over my head, leaving me only in a top. "Kneel down!" He demands again. This time i object and kneel down. When i look up i see him pulling his belt out of his belt loops. I jump backwards. What is he doing? He grabs my hair and pulls me towards him again. I shudder. Just when he wants to stride down the belt i hold it back and it curls around my wrist. I clench my teeth to keep me from screaming and rip it out of his hands. I want to slap him with it but he blocks it as well and slams his hand onto my ear. My head get dizzy but i still jump up and try to kick him in the stomach. He catches my foot and twists it. I fall back down. My head hits the hard floor. My vision gets blurry and i see small black spots appearing on the egde of my sight. He kicks me in the ribs multiple times and i can't move. I slowly lift my head after a few seconds of nothing but only to see his belt striking down onto my back. I groan, because i can't even manage a scream. He hits me again and again. So much pain. The skin at my back opens and blood spills on the floor. He finally stops and walks into he bathroom like nothing happend. I lay on the floor, whimpering. When i try to move my back hurts and my side cringes. I still sit up. I crawl over to the mirror and carefully lift my top. My whole left side is red and starts to swell. When i slowly turn around i see that my shirt is soaked with blood. There also already forms a bruise on my cheek that colours it blue green. I start to cry and sob. Tobias has to find me! I can't do this! I am not as strong as him. At least i now understand what torture he had to go through 16 years... jeremy comes out of the bathroom and tosses some toilet paper at me. I take it and hold it at my back - which is alreay painfull. Jeremy ges out my phone and clicks it and then he turns towards me. The red light is blinking which means he is recording. "Tell Tobias how much this all hurts." "Yo-you won't send this Tobias! Leave him alone!" I scream with all my left over strength. He only laughs evily and then comes over and forces me to lay on my stomach. "Show him what i did! Tell him how much pain you have to suffer because he couldn't safe you!" "This is not your fault!" I whimper. Jeremy pulls his foot back and kicks me in the left side - my already hurt side. A blood curling scream emerges my mouth but jeremy just laughs. "I think that's enough. Hope you have a good night Tobias." Then he turns towards me, "come on tris, say goodnight. We don't want to be rude." I don't answer, i just press my lips together. Jeremy sighs and pats me on the back what makes me let another scream slip out of my mouth. "Say goodnight, Tris." "Goodnight." I whimper and then he turns the camera off and sends the video to Tobias.
Jeremy lays away my phone and turns it off. "Time for bed Trissy." He fals coes and i just don't respond. "I mean you can also keep laying on the floor..." i again don't answer and he shrugs. "Ok, good night." I lay on the floor untill his breaths even out and i push myself up to my elbows. I get myself in a sitting position and then stand up - holding the wall for support. I make my way to the bathroom and close the door behind me. I step into the shower, not caring about putting off my clothes and let cold water fall onto my back. It stings and my blood turns the water  a dark pink. I let the water fall till its clear and my back feels numb. I turn the shower of and change into warm dry clothes. I slip on Tobias shirt and burry my face in it. Jeremy is still sound asleep and i tiptoe downstairs. The front door is locked, so is the back door. I sigh and sit on the couch, thinking about what to do but as soon as my head only touches the couch pillow i am asleep.

Alternate Allegiant Ending~it Lasts In Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें