Chapter 57

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(Last chapter: Let the games begin...)
Tris pov:
Uri starts: "Ehm Chris C or D?" "I'll take Candor and no i am not a pansycake, just lazy." We all giggle and Uri rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Ok who would you date here apart from Will?" And then he mutters: "pansycake." And we all laugh. "No one. I mean i like you all as friends, but couldn't imagine going out with you." We all nod and i snuggle closer to Tobias.
Indie found his place in the middle of the circle and is watching us. Chris then continues: "Ok. I'll take..." she trails off and scans the group. "Zeke!" "Bring it on Baby!" He says and wiggles his eyebrows. We laugh again. "Ok, C or D?" "Is that even a question?" Zeke answers and high fives uri. Chris grins evily. "Ok, i dare you to knock on the door of someone in this building and when he/she opens the door you have to make a really big scene. You have to start to cry and hug them and say: 'finally i found you mom/dad!' And when they ask what is wrong with you, you just have to run away and scream." We all look at her with opens mouths and then start bursting into laughter. Zeke shrugs and gets up. We all jump up and even indie seems to come with us. I pick him up and smile at his cute face. He licks my chin and i laugh. Suddenly i get thrown over the shoulder of someone. "Tobias!" I protest but he just laughs and keeps carrying me. Mar and Shauna walk behind Tobias so i talk to them and try to keep my balance while still holding indie. Zeke stops at an apartment door and knocks. Tobias sets me down just when the door opens. A middle aged man steps out. "Hello? What is it?" Zeke starts fake crying and wraps his hands around the neck of the man. "I finally found you daddy!" The confused expression on the mans face makes it hard to contain my laughter. He pushes Zeke away and now a woman appeared in the dorway as well. "Who are you?" "I'm Paul daddy. Don't you remember?" Zeke says and i press my face inti tobias chest so i won't give us away. "Are you crazy? I am not your father!" The man now says. I turn around excited and watch how Zeke now turns around and runs away while he screams really loud. We all burst out laughing and run for it as well.
We dash into the apartment only a few seconds later. We slowly sit in the circle again and try to regain our breath. Indie still waves his tail and jumps up and down while we still laugh. After a few minutes we stopped and all just grin. "Ok. So my turn." Zeke says and taps his chin. "Tris! C or D?" I shrug and say: "Daubtless!" He grins evily and i just roll my eyes. "Your dare is to..." he trails off and i sigh. "Oh i got one! Your dare is to go outside with a dress and show your butt to the first person that walks by." "No way that i am going to do that!" I protest and slip of my jacket. He shrugs and i continue with Shauna.

<<< two houres later >>>
"Ha! This is your last piece Marlene!" Uri shouts and we all laugh. "You loose!" Will laughs and i highfive Chris. Mar rolls her eyes. "Only because i don't want to show my boobes to everyone outside! As if you guys would have done it." I shrug and pat her shoulder. "I wouldn't have." I only wear my top and my underpants. Luckily i remember the possibilty of playing C or D and brought a jacket and shorts under my dress. Tobias starts tickeling and i screech in laughter. I run away from him. Everyone is kind of freaking out right now. The shots probably weren't a good idea... "Oh shit!" Caleb suddenly curses out of the corner where he was just making out with cara. "What is it?" He starts laughing and then says: "Its already two am." We all join his laughter although its not even funny. "Get dressed tris. We have to go home." Tobias says and pushes me towards the bedroom to change. "But i don't wannaaaa..." i whine. He sighs and throws me over his shoulder. "You have no choice." I sigh and grin at everyone while he carrys me in the bedroom.

When we put on our clothes we step out again. Everyone else is getting dressed as well. I hug everyone and Tobias just grins while i do so. When we are outside i scowl at him and poke his arm. "Why were you laughing?" "Its just cute to see you drunk and also you hugged everyone although you normally are pretty akward with touching other people." "I am not drunk." I complain. "Of course you are not." "I swear. I'll do what ever you want to prove it." I pout and cross my arms. He just shakes his head and laughs. I join his laughter and then shrug. "Ok, maybe i am a little bit drunk." He nods and kisses my forehead. "I'll still get you home safely." He whispers and i nod. "I never thought differently." I whisper back. He leans down to kiss me but in the last second i pull away and run. "Hey!" I laugh loudly and keep running. I run into the lobby and maybe i am drunk or maybe its to dark but i oversee the glass door and crash into it. The glass doesn't break but my nose starts bleeding. I am to busy laughing to care though. I laugh and laugh. Tobias then slidders around the corner. "Are you alright?" He asks and i just keep laughing. He sighs and hands me a tissue. I keep laughing while he picks me up bridal style and carrys me home.

When we arrive at our apartment he slips off my dress and then carrys me into the bathroom. He carefully washes my face and i just let him do it. After that he hands me one of his big shirts and i put it on. When i start jumping on the bed he just sighs. "Triiis." He whines. "Please just lie down." "Noooo." I respond and giggle. He sighs again. "I never knew you sighed that often." He rolls his eyes. "Just sleep. I'll do that on the couch." My eyes go wide and when he wants to walk out i hold him back. "Nooo, toby please stay. I am sorry. I can't sleep without you. Then i'll have nightmares. Just like last night. It was terrifying, i even woke up. And i only fell back asleep because you were lying next to me." He looks at me with loving and concerned eyes. He cups my face with his hands. "Why didn't you tell me that you have nightmares? Didn't we say no more lies?" I look on the floor. "You never asked. So technically i didn't lie." He sighs and just nods. "I guess that's true." He kisses my forehead and then lies me in bed and gets in next to me. I lie my head on his chest and his big hand keeps rubbing circle on my back. "I love you Tris." "I love you too, Tobias." I respond and then i fall asleep.

Haha this chapter was fun writing :))

Hope you liked it

Jojo ♡

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