Chapter 16

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Tris pov:
I wake up laying in Tobias arms. I am so glad he survived. I couldn't have lived without him. Like he said, i would have lived but not really.
I carefully get out of Tobias arms but just when i want to walk out a nurse stops me. "No! You can't leave him." "What? I just want to get myself something to eat." "I'll get you something. But he can't wake up and your gone. Remember what happend yesterday? It wouldn't be good for him to go through that again." I just nod. I should have thought of that! I walk back inside and sit next to his bed. I take his hand in mine and gently stroke the back of his hand with my thumb. The nurse brings me my food after a few minutes. "Thank you." I say while she places the tray infront of me. "No problem." She says smiling. I start to eat when suddenly Tobias stirs. He feels that i'm not laying next to him anymore and asks: "Tris?" With already panick in his voice. I am quick to take his hand and kiss him. "I am here. I won't go anywhere!" He nods and than opens his eyes. "Morning Toby." He groans. "You know i hate that nickname!" I smirk at him and just peck his lips. "Can i have something to eat?" He asks and i nod. I put some food on a fork and hold it infront of his mouth. He opens it and i put the fork inside. He chews and swallows and it is clear that eating hurts him. "You know you could get a stomach tube..." i propose carefully. "NO!" He rejects. "Alright, alright!" I calm him. I stroke his hair and he smiles. "I love you tris." "I love you too." "I love you three." "I love you four." I finish grinning. "I know you do." He adds. I roll my eyes but still grin.
Two houres later it knocks. "Come in!" I shout from my spot next to Tobys bed. Uriah, Zeke, Shauna Christina, Peter, Cara, Caleb, Amar, George and mat come in. "Hey guys." Chris runs over to me and hugs me. "Hey Tris." She squeels and i grin. The others stand around Tobys bed. Zeke carefully pats his shoulder. "How you feeling Tobias?" Mat asks. "Well. Like someone shot me in the stomach..." toby answers, rolling his eyes. I grin and say: "Tobias, no one but me understands your mean humor..." he grins and shrugs. "No. I'm fine thanks. Sorry Matthew." Matthew smiles as well. Suddenly Amar and George speek up. "Guys, we have an announcment. George and I decided to move into another city. We both just feel weird living here again." Toby frowns and i take his hand. "Oh. That's a pity." I say and everyone nods. "Yeah, we're sorry but we also feel like we just don't belong here..." we all nod in understandment. "We are going to leave today. So this is our good-bye." George says. We all hug them and Amar carefully hugs Tobias. "I'm sorry to leave you." Amar says. Tobias nods and says: "I wish you luck in the new city. Maybe give an update about your life some time." "Definatly." Amar says and than they walk out. I peck Tobias lips and he smiles weakly. "What are we going to do now?" Uri asks. "Well we will life on." Caleb says. I notice that Cara and Caleb are standing a lot closer than just friends. I smile. "What shall we do?" I ask. "We could play truth or dare. We haven't played it a long time." Uri suggests. "Yeah...great idea. Because i can move so much..." toby says sarcasticly. "than you will have to pick truth..." zeke says and sticks out his tounge. I roll my eyes and see Tobias doing the same. "Let's just start..." Caleb said and we all nodded. "I'll start. Mh Chris truth or dare?" Uri says and she answers: "Dare!" He smiles evily. "You have to propose to the first person you see in the hallway." She shrugs and walks outside. When a guy in our age passes the door she stops him, get down on one knee and asks: "Will you marry me?" He is irritated and slowly shakes his head. "No. I'm sorry... i don't even know you!" She shrugs and says: "Was worth a try..." she comes back inside and grins. "Ok Shauna truth or dare?"

We play like this for three more houres untill the nurse comes in and tells them to leave because visiting hour is over.
When they all left i put on my sleeping clothes and lay in bed next to Toby. Safely in his arms. "I love you Tobias." "I love you Beatrice!" He says and i look at him shocked. "Did you just call me Beatrice?" He laughs and kisses my forhead. "Was worth a try..." i roll my eyes and lay my head on his chest again. "Goodnight." He says. "Goodnight." And than i'm off too sleep.

Sorry if this one wasn't good and a little bit short. It was more of a filler. 😉❤
Hope you still liked it


Alternate Allegiant Ending~it Lasts In LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora