Chapter 26

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5 days later:
Tris pov:
Tobias has been acting strange latly. He always is out late with the other girls in the last few nights. And when i come home is always is really careful about what he says...
i sigh and walk into the train. I spot Nina in the back. I wave at her and she smiles. I give her a quick hug. "Hey how is everything? How is Tobias holding up? And christina?" I think about it. Should i tell her about my worrys? Yeah! I can trust her. "Well, i don't really know. He has been acting really strange the last few days, he is always late with the other girls and seems to be so wary with his words around me..." i let my head hang. She rubs my shoulder. "I bet there is a logical explanation for all of this. He loves you so much!" I just nod.
Tobias pov:
I meet with Christina again today. I am so nervous. I will propose to Tris tomorrow and can't really think straight. After a bit of preparation my phone rings. "Hello, who is it?" "Hello, is there Tobias?" A voice i know but can't really connect with a face says. T-Yeah, who are you?
N-I'm nina, Tris' friend from university.
T- ah yeah i remember you. Whats up? Is Tris alright?
N-yeah Tris fine, well no she isn't fine. Physicly she is perfectly fine though.
T-i'm really confused right now... why are you calling me?
N-well, tris told me that she is kind of sad because she worrys that you cheat on her.
I am shocked. Tris thinks i cheat on her? No that can't be true...
T-i am absolutly not cheating on her!
N-yeah i know what you guys are doing, Christina told me, but Tris doesn't and she is worried.
T-yeah i'm doing it tomorrow anyways, but i will be home earlier today.
N-ok perfect. I mean we don't want her to be angry and then say no.
T-no we absolutly don't want that.
N-ok good conversation. Bye.
T-wait, one more thing! How did you get my number.
N-ehhmm... i kind of stole it out of Tris' phone.
I laugh "ok bye Nina. You can come to the proposal as well if you like." I offer. "Yeah, i would love too." She answers. "Since i have your number now i will text you the location and the time." "Ok bye." "Bye." I hang up and shake my head. Why does Tris believe something like that? Doesn't she trust me? But i already know the answer: she trusts me, but she still is unsure of herself. I sigh and tell christina everything. "And that is why i am going to go now." I finish and she nods. "Yeah, do that. We are nearly finished anyways." I nod and then Matthew drives me home. "Thanks Matt." "No problem. I wish you luck for tomorrow." "Thanks man." i smile at him.
When i enter the apartment Tris is not there yet. I make myself something to eat and then work a bit on my new thing called a 'labtop'. I still have to get used to it. It's not much different from a computer though.
About two houres later i hear the lock click and then i hear laughter. Tris steps in with Nina behind her. Tris is surprised to see me. "Oh hey Tobias." She greets and then lays her keys away. Nina gives me a quick smile and thumbs up. "Ok, i'll go then." Nina says and then hugs Tris goodbye. "What are you doing home so early?" Tris asks. "Well, i wanted to spend some more time with you." I say smiling. She come over to me and i pull her towards me. She burrys her head in my chest and i smell her hair. Then she looks up at me. She wants to say something but i just plant a kiss on her lips. She kisses back and i smile against her lips. I am so excited for tomorrow! She smiles as well and puts her fingers in my belt loops to pull me closer, while i have my hands at her back. After a while we pull away but still have our foreheads together. "I can't say it often enough, i love you Tris." "I love you too Tobias." I kiss her again and we slowly walk over to the couch, not breaking our kiss. I lay her down on the couch and then get on top of her. She wants to roll around so she is on top of me but we just fall of of the couch. I land on the floor and Tris lands on top of me. She giggles and i join in. Then she kisses me again and we continue our make-out session on the floor.
After that we decide to cook together. Tris prepares the noodles while i do the sauce. I stand infront of the pan and am confused. How do you do this again? Suddenly Tris wraps her arms around my waist and kisses my cheek. "Do you manage this?" I laugh. "More or less." She laughs as well and then does the cooking.
Half an hour later the food is ready and we start to eat.
After our late-lunch-dinner we watch movies. They are pretty old but still good. Tris eventually falls asleep and i carefully carry her in our bed. I tuck her under the sheets and then lay next to her. Immediatly her head is on my chest and her arm is wraped around my shoulder. I smile and stroke her hair while i slowly start to drift of to sleep.

Fourtris proposal next!!!!!
I'm sooo excited ♡♡
Hope you liked it

Jojo ♡

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