Chapter 33

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Tobias pov:
The next day i wake up to Tris turning and stirring. I slowly sit up and shake her. "Tris?" I ask. Suddenly she starts to cry and sob and trashes around. I shake her harder untill she wakes with a gasp and sits upright in bed. She starts to cry even harder and i hug her closly. "What happend?" I ask after she has calmed a bit. "I-you were leaving me and - and i was alone - the whole time." I hug her again and say: "I won't leave you. I love you so much." When she is calm again we both fall asleep.
At two pm we knock on Christinas door. I hold Tris' hand and squeeze it when Christina opens the door. "Hey Tris, Tobias. Whats up?" "Well, i have something to tell you." Tris says.
I follow them inside and sit next to Tris on the couch. Will comes over as well and we call our other friends to come to Christinas apartment.
Another ten minutes later everyone is there and Tris starts to explain everything to them. In the end all the girls are crying and the boys all look sad. Everyone hugs tris one time and they all pull away pretty quickly, except for Christina. Christina and Tris keep hugging each other for a long time. They whisper something in each others ears. When they pull away Tris is crying and crying and doesn't seem able to stop. I take her into my arms and see that every other boy is doing the same with their girlfriends. "Are you alright?" I whisper into her ear. She nods but the tears still don't stop. I look her into the eye and shake my head. "No you're not. But it will be alright, everything will be alright." She nods and smiles slightly at me. "Thank you." She whispers and then i pull her towards me again.
After a lot more talking and sharing old storys we leave to meet with this Luke guy.
We walk to the train tracks and drive to the meeting location. Tris guides me to a middle aged man who is leaning to a lamp post. "Tris, good to see you." He says smiling and i immediatly dislike him. "Hello Luke. This is Tobias." "Yes, i thought so. Your so important Tobias." Tris glares at him and rolls her eyes. I am just confused. "What happend?" I whisper in tris ear. "Later." She says and i nod. Luke takes us to a not yet renovated apartment house. He guides us into one of the back apartments and we sit down on old kitchen chairs. "Ok, so i guess you have questions Tris." Luke begins. Tris nods. "Yeah, first of all: am i going to be able to finish my medicin study?" "Yes, you will work closly together with a doctor and he volunteered to finish them due to the point that you only have one year to go anyway." Tris nods again. "Great. Then: how many holidays will i have?" "Well, you have six weeks of holidays you can use through the whole year." "That means i'll have only six weeks holiday per year?" Tris asks again and Luke nods. I pinch my lips together to keep myself from protesting. That means i'll only see Tris twelve weeks in the next two years! "What about weekends?" Tris asks. "Well, you'll have those but you won't be able to go back to chicago then because we can't have someone to drive you this far every week." I take Tris hand and she smiles at me weakly. We both want to say the same through those gestures: we can do this! Luke eyes our intervined hands but just keeps talking. "Well, do you have any other questions?" "Ehm, yeah. So about this study in general how many people are involved and how exactly i will work. Just so i can prepare." Tris says. "Oh yes. Nearly forgot. Here..." he gets out a large yellow brief case. "In there is every information you need. The main informations: you will be the chief of a group of about five people. I will be one of those and in the beginning i will help you to underatand everything." Tris is in awe. "Five people? And i will be their chief?" Luke nods. "Yes." "B-b-but i am only a medical student and i don't even have the experience a-and..." Luke smiles slightly "that is why i am there. I will help you." Tris smiles a bit as well and nods. "Ok. Then i don't have any other questions." Luke nods as well. "Ok, so my phone number stands on one of the papers so if you forgot anything just ask me." "I will. Thanks." Luke shakes mine and tris hand and then we leave.

The next week goes by way to fast. Tris and i both took the whole week off. We meet our friends but nost of the time we just spent together. We talked and kissed, visited the dauntless compund, we climbed the ferris wheel again and we even played a round of panitball with our friends.

The next sunday comes and i wake up. Tris still lays next to me and is sleeping soundly. I smile and stroke her hair. I start to tear up a bit. She will be gone soon and then i'll have to sleep alone. Then the alarm clock beeps and Tris groans and turns it off. She turns towards me and i smile at her. She smiles back and i pull her close towards me. I feel a few tears wettneing my shirt and can't hold back a few tears myself. We stay like this for a long time till we both pull away and get ready.
At 1 pm we meet with our friends outside of our apartment house. Matthew and Nina are in the front and everyone else is sitting in the back of the truck. We get in and Tris sits down next to me and Christina. I lay an arm around her and she starts to tear up again. Caleb sits across from Tris and has tears in his eyes as well. We arrive at our meeting point with the bureau people ten minutes later. Luke greets us all. Then tris already is supposed to get in the car. Suddenly it seems impossible to let her go. I can't! She is my everything! I love her! She hugs everyone goodbye and when she hugs uriah she laughs and Christina hands her a packet. I already know what it is. Tris opens it and starts to tear up. She hugs Christina again and smiles while tears are running down her face. She gets out the collage we made. On it are pictures of all of us. There even are some of my proposal. Then after Tris carefully put away the present she comes over to me. Our friends leave us a bit of privacy and go talk to Luke. Tris comes towards me and still crys. I pull her towards me and she as ever she burrys her head in my chest. "I love you. So so much. Never forget that!" She says. "I won't! Never! And i love you too, more than you can imagine." And then i kiss her. We pull away after a long time but i never wnated this kiss to end. Now i'll have to let her go. Let her go with this strange man. Let her go to the bureau. I can't hold back my tears now and kiss her once more. I can't. I can't do this. "I can't do this tris." I whisper. She takes my hand in her small ones and looks me into the eyes with her striking blue grey eyes - beautiful! "Yes you can! I love you!" I wipe away a single tear on her cheek and let my hand rest on her cheek for a few seconds. She is strong, stronger than any other person i know. I kiss her forehead. "Tris, we have to go." Luke says and tris pulls away. She lets go of my hands and walks towards Luke. Just before she gets in the car she turns again and runs towards me. She hugs me closly and i kiss the top of her head again. "Go now. I love you." I say and she nods. She turns around and gets in the car. She leans out of the window and waves to all of us. I can't think, i can't move. She is gone now and i stay behind. Christina falls into wills arms and Caleb leans onto Cara for support. Uriah looks miserable and  Zeke and Shauna look sad. Nina and Matthew are hugging eachother as well and I, i am standing still. I let my arms hang next to my body. Everyone starts to walk away but i stay behind. Zeke comes over to me and lays an arm around my shoulder. "Everything will be fine." He says and i just nod. Everything will be fine... i have to believe this now.

Tris is gooone :'( Poor Tobias!
Hope you liked it

Jojo ♡

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