Chapter 23

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Tobias pov:
We all sit in a circle and Uriah starts. "Ehm Will C or D?" "Dauntless, i ain't no pansycake!" Will screams and everyone stares at him in shock. Uriah walks over to Will and hugs him. Will just stands there looking awkward. And we all laugh while Uri wipes away a fake tear. Will awkwardly pats his shoulder and uri sits down again. "Ok so pansybro," will groans. "This is going to be my nickname now?" "Yeah, but pansybro your dare is to tackle the first person you see outside of the apartment and when he/she asks what is wrong with you, or something like that you say: I am allowed to do that, because i am the pansybro and came to rescue the world and then you have to run away screaming." We all burst out laughing. A typical Uriah dare... Will glares at all of us but still stands up and walks outside. He gets into the hallway and starts walking, with us following with some distance. The first persone he sees is a middle aged woman. She just unlocks her door. He starts running and tackles her. We all stiffle our laughter and she crawls away from will who is looking at her really creepy. "What-what is wrong with you?" The woman stutters. "I am allowed to do that! I am the pansybro and came to rescue the world!" He runs away screaming and we can't containe our laughter and burst out laughing. Uriah and zeke even roll on the floor while Tris holds the wall for suport. Caleb also laughs, with one arm around Cara. I raise my eyebrows, when did that happen? When the woman vanished in her apartment Will comes back and glares at us. Christina kisses his cheek and grins at him.
We walk back to Christinas apartment. On our way Will continues the game. "Caleb C or D?" "Ehm Candor." Caleb answers, just when we enter the apartment. "Ding, ding, ding Pansycake ding, ding, ding!" Uri screams and points at caleb, who is blushing a bit. Then he pushes away Uriahs arm and glares at him. "Okaaay, eeehhhmm..." will then sees the arm Caleb layed around Cara and raises one eyebrow. "Are you going out with my sister?" Caleb blushes and looks like a tomato. "Ehm, well... not really, i mean maybe, i guess we didn't really discuss it-it's more like..- it depends on the point of view-" will stops his stuterring, "Dude, relax! Not like i am going to rip your head off if you say yes!" Caleb hestaintly nods and Tris smiles at both of them. I wrap one arm around Tris shoulder and she smiles up to me. God, i love this girl! I slowly and softly kiss her. She smiles against my lips and i smile as well. We only stop because someone, Zeke, is clearing his throat. "Guys, you have an audience..." we pull away blushing and Zeke rolls his eyes. "Ok. My turn, ehm Christina C or D?" Caleb asks. "Dauntless!" Christina answers in a duh tone. "Ok i dare you to kiss the first person you see in the hallway." She looks at Will questioning and he shrugs. "I know it's only a game, baby." Ugh, i don't like that word- 'baby'- she is not a baby... well whatever. Christina gets up and again we all follow. We walk in the same hallway in which Will tackled that poor woman and the poor lady seems to have a bad day because she comes out of her apartment just when we turn the corner. Tris trys to contain her laughter and i grin as well. Christina shrugs and walks to the woman. She taps her on the shoulder and when she turns around Christina presses her lips to the ones from the woman. Uriah looses it completly when the woman shoves Christina away and screams somethig about 'weird, unbelievable teenagers'. Then the woman simply walks back into her apartment and slams the door, probably to wash her mouth. Christina comes over to us laughing. Zeke, Tris and I basicly have to carry Uriah back to the apartment because he is laughing so hard. We all are still laughing when we enter the apartment. I am the first to walk into the livingroom and i am carrying Uriahs feet behind my back. When i see who is standing in the livingroom i drop his feet and just stare at the person openmouthed. No! This can't be real! It just can't be!! I saw her die! Just then Matthew says: "Hey Tobias, why did you stop?" "Mar-mar-mar..." i stutter. Uri stands by now and nearly goes unconcious when he sees her. "Marlene!" Shauna screams and runs over to hug her. Uriah is the next one and he hugs her so strong that she has to tap his shoulder so he would release her. "Ho-how-how?" Tris stutters and Marlene sits down on the couch. Uri has tears running down his face and his hand trembles. Marlene takes his hand in hers. "I guess you all know that i were controlled by a simulation and jumped down the edge of that building. Well they waited for us at the bottom and catched us and replace our bodys. I were saved because i am divergent. Only like a pretty weak one but still. I couldn't fight the transmitter though. Well after that i weren't allowed to see you. I was brought to the bureau and they told me everything-it was quiete a shock, obviously. Yeah a d when you guys were at the bureau they just locked me away. I was furious of course but what could i do? I kept hearing storys about you and what you are doing and after that explosion i even saw Four and his guards pass my cell. Well and after you wiped the memeory of all the people there i were able to escape. And then i came here to find you and here we are. But wait... didn't will die during the attack on Abnegation?" We all just nod. I still have to process the information. We explain everything to marlene, although she knows more then Will it's still a lot. Uriah won't let go of her hand but i would obviously act the same. Tris still is stunned and i wrap one arm around her shoulder. I know Marlenes death caused her a lot of pain because she decided to save Hector and not marlene. She smiles at me weakly.

Two houres later we are at home again. "Well that was one weird Candor or Dauntless game..." tris states and i nod. "Agreed!" She laughs and kisses me. Then we lay in bed next to eachother and i wrap my arms around her body, protecting her. She kisses me goodnight. "I love you Toby." I scowl "really? Toby?" She giggles and nods. "Okay, good night Trissy. I love you too." She laughs and playfully punshes my arm before burrying her head in my chest. I kiss the top of her head and she smiles. "I really do love you tris." "I love you too. With all my heart." She answers "but now i have to sleep." I laugh and she giggles. "Goodnight toby." She teases. "Goodnight Trissy." And then we both close our eyes. Well this have been a confusing day...

Yeey Marlene is back as well. I love her as well. I basicly love every character in Diverent-except from the evil ones of course ;)
Hope you liked it

Jojo ❤

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