Chapter 14

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(Last chapter: "Follow me!" Dr bailey says and we all obey and start walking when she does. This is going to be intersting.)
After our tour through the hospital we get assigned to the emergency room. Just when we arrive suddenly a doctor shouts: "There has been a gunfight! A lot of injures! There will be here in a few minutes!" And than suddenly everyone starts running around. Dr bailey says: "Ok, this is an emergency! You will stand at that wall and try not to be in the way! The injured will be here soon. If someone tells you to do something you instantly do what your told! Got it?" We all nod and stand at a wall. I'm afraid but also happy. In a few years i'll be able to help the people i would have had injure a few months ago. I watch every step they do closly. They prepare the O.R.s and lay out sewing materials and bandages. And only minutes later we hear the sirens of the ambulance. The docrors rush outisde and wait. I stretch my neck to see more. I hate beeing so small! The first ambulance drives infront of the doors and the ermengcy doctors get out the patient. I don't know that men. He is big and has dark black hair. He gets wheeled past me and i hear him groan. The next ambulances spit out a lot of other patients. And than suddenly my world stops spinning. The next patient is... Tobias! He holds his stomach. "Tobias!" I scream and forget all the rules. His head turns into my direction. "Tris!" I hear him whisper. In less than a second i am by his side. "Tobias. What happend? Why were you there?" A few tears roll down my face. Dr bailey suddenly is at my side. "Ms prior get back at the wall." She commands. "No! This is my boyfriend! I won't stand at that stupid wall!" "Tris listen! You obstruct the doctors. Your boyfriend will be fine. Come with me. You can help." Dr bailey says calmly. "No! Tobias! I can't leave him!" I sob but he is already wheeled into the elevator. "Tris! Tell me something about him. Does he has any allergys?" "No. Not that i know." "Does he take any medication?" "No, no he doesn't." "Ok thank you. I will tell you if i have any news. Peter, Nina come here!" She says. I can't think straight. This can't be true. That wasn't Tobias. He isn't shot. I barly feel Peters hand on my arm, guiding me into a room. When the door shuts i slide to the floor. I rock back and forth, trying to think straight. Suddenly i feel a sharp pain on my left cheek. It hurt, but it brought me out of my trance. I am stunned and look at Peter. He is kneeling infront of me. "Tris! Everything is going to be alright!" I still feel tears streaming down my face. I never react that extrem for anyone else than tobias. "Tris! Nina went to call Christina, Uriah and zeke. Alright?" I manage to nod and than say: "Why?" It is only a whisper. Peter looks on the floor. "I don't know." He answers. "but they will fix him." He adds and i keep looking in his green eyes. They are so different from Tobias'. When i think his name a pain attacks my heart. I feel tears well up in my eyes. "Peter, i'm afraid! So afraid." He looks at me and rubs my shoulder. "Everything will be fine." He hugs me and i burry my head in his shoulder.
30 minutes later i hear a shout: "Tris!" Christina! I jump up and sprint out of the door. I see her in the hallway and she sees me. She runs to me and hugs me. "I'm so sorry Tris! He will be fine!" I just manage to nod. Than Uri and Zeke suddenly run around the corner. They both have bruises and cuts everwhere. "What happend to you?" Christina asks. She is in a different unit than them. "We-were-there!" Zeke says inbetween breaths. "WHAT?" chris and i shout at the same time. "We chased the guy that shot Tobias!" Uri says. I'm stunned. "What? Did you get him? What happend?" "We will tell you." They walk towards the room and we follow. They go inside and than Zeke starts explaining: "So apperently there were people from the fringe who didn't know that here there are no differences between GPs and GDs. They attacked the goverment house and started shooting. We were ordered there. When we came there we started searching for Tobias. Because we knew he works there. We found him in a fist fight with this guy. But we didn't recognise him at first. Just when we arrived the guy suddenly pulled out his gun, shot him and ran away. Uri ran after him and i called the ambulance. Just than i recognised him and got furious. When the ambulance arrived i ran after Uri and this guy. I found them at the bridge. They were fighting. There guns both thrown away. I sneeked behind this guy and knocked him unconcious with my gun." Uri interrupts him "and than he started yelling at the unconcious man, which i thought was pretty weird but than he told me that the man that guy shot was tobias and got furious as well. A few minutes later my phone rang and it was this Nina girl and than we came here immediatly." Zeke nods and i am stunned. Why was Tobias fighting with this guy? Why did these guys attack the goverment? A million more questions shoot through my head. I just sit down with my back to the wall again. I don't really feel Chris' hand rubbing circles on my back.

Three houres later i see dr bailey walking towards our room. I can't read her expression. She knocks and steps in. "I have news."

Uuuuh cliffhanger!
Hope you liked it :)

Jojo ❤

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