Chapter 51

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Enjoy the chapter:

Third person:
Tobias wakes up. He looks around. Where am i? Oh yeah, the surgery... when he looks over to Tris bed he sees that its empty. Just in this moment a nurse comes in. She sees that Tobias is awake. "Hey, how are you feeling?" She asks smiling. "Good. Where is Tris?" She sighs. "She still is in surgery."

In the O.R. :
"God, this is difficult." The doctor courses. "Half of her organs are injured. It just doesn't stop bleeding." "Hey! I got another bleeding!" The assistant interupts. "What? Another one?" They work quickly and suceed in stitching up that one as well. "Ok, i guess that was everything." Everyone highfives and cheers.
They start to clean up everything when suddenly her heart starts beating like crazy. They rush to her side again and the doctor shocks her. "Again!" He screams. And they shock her again. It is no use... the heart doesn't start beating again. The doctor lets the paddles fall to the floor and sighs. "I really thought we had it." Everyone is depressed and they leave the o.r. "And who is going to tell her boyfriend?" The doctor asks.
Tobias pov:
The doctor comes into the room only a few minutes after i've talkes to the nurse. I can't really read his expression. He sits on my bed. "Tobias, i have to tell you that Tris injuries were vidal..." "No! No, no, no, no" "we finished her operation succesfully but then her heart couldn't take it anymore... it was to much stress." My breath sticks in my throat. This can't be true! No! This must be a cruel joke! She made it! She is healthy and will get pushed into this room in a few minutes! The doctor looks at me with pitty. "I am sorry. She is dead." When he says it, it becomes real. I wished he didn't. I break down. I can't take this. This is my fault. I burry my head in my hands and sob. I sob and cry.
Christina pov:
We stand at the small window that looks into Tobias and Tris room. The doctor just went in to tell Tobias how it was. He wouldn't tell us. We can't hear what they are saying. The doctor speaks and Tobias shakes his head fast. This can't be good... and then Tobias bursts out crying. I sink on my knees. I feel Wills arm around my body. I turn towards him and scream into his shirt. I sob and cry untill i can't do anything but lie in his arms without moving. Will just wants to carry me away when we see a young doctor running down the hallway.

Tobias pov:
The doctor still is by my side. He probably wants to make sure that i don't kill myself. But what sense does my life has now? None! The love of my life - gone! Just like this. Because of me! I turn around and cry into my pillow. I want this to be a dream. I want to wake up and Tris is next to me. I want to wake up and everything is alright again. Suddenly someone bursts through the door. He pants - he must have been running. He trys to say something and all of my friends follow him into the room and crowd at the door. He finally chokes out a few understandable words: "Misunderstanding - other patient - stupid mistake..."

I am incredibly sorry to leave you

with a cliffhanger again...

Hope you liked it

Jojo ♡

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