Chapter 27

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Tobias pov:
I shoot out of sleep with only one thought in my head: I. Will. Propose. To. Tris. Today! Tris next to me sits up confused, and since i am sitting up right i can't blame her. "Are you alright Tobias? Did you have a nightmare?" I just nod. She wraps her arms around me and i lay back again. She puts her head on my chest and i stroke her hair. After a while her breaths get even again and she is asleep. I slowly slip out of bed and then het dressed. I write her a note and then make my way over to Christinas apartment.
Tris pov:
When i wake up the second time Tobias is gone. I look around the whole apartment till i find a note of him on the kitchen counter:
Go to the place only we know,
I am confused about this at first but then i decide to play along with his little game. I think about it. 'The place only we know...'. Maybe he means the chasm and our secret spot there. I shrug and make my way to the dauntless compound. When i arrive i immediatly am overhelmed with all the memorys. Al, Lynn, my mother... i start to tear up but still find the nearly invisible door. I walk down the small path and find our spot. When i look around i first see nothing, but then i notice a small light around another corner. I never went there... but i guess it's safe if Tobias tells me to go there. I walk towards it and when i turn around the corner my vreath sticks in my throat. There is a word written with candles: Fear! I think about this a little bit and then realise that he probably means the fearlandscape room. I smile and walk there. When i arrive i start to look around. I find Tobias' box in which he kept his sryinges. I open it and find again find a small note. It says: Are you done yet Stiff? I smile again when i realise what he means. The knife throwing. When he kept 'insulting' me, to remind me that there was someone weaker i had to protect. I make my way to the trainingsroom. When i arrive there i see that there are three knifes sticking in the target. I walk towards them and see that once again one of them holds a note. I carefully take it out and read it:
The place i realised i loved you.
This an easy one. He told me that it was the ferris wheel. Again i smile at the memory. Then i make my way to the ferris wheel, wondering what he has for me there. I didn't even realise how much time i spent in the dauntless compound untill i step outside. The sun is already setting. Wow, that day went by fast! I shrug and wait for the train. When it comes i step inside and kind of miss the thrill of jumping on a train. The drive to the ferris wheel lasts about 20 minutes and the whole time i have the feeling that this weird guy is looking at me. He wears a really big hat, sunglasses and a scarv that covers half of his face. Weird! I try to shrug it off and then already arrive at the ferris wheel. I get out and jog towards it. I can barley see it in the half darkness that spread around the city. When i am nearly there i swear i could see a bush moving. Then i stand infront of it. But Tobias is no where to be seen. I frown. Did i misread his signs? I look around confused and then suddenly all the lights off the ferris wheel turn on and glow in all colours. It looks beautiful. And then suddenly Tobias steps out of the shadows. I smile at him. "Di-did you do this?" I stutter. He nods and i start to tear up a bit. "T-t-thanks." He smiles and then starts talking: "Beatrice Prior, this is the place i first realised i loved you, this is the place you showed everyone that you were not a stupid dauntless soldier. When you literally fell into my life i was shocked. I didn't know how to act around you, but then it came naturaly, like breathing. Loving you is like breathing for me. Without you i can't live, i can't breath, i can't exist. I need you in my life, i need you by my side. I want to experience my life with you by my side the whole time. Everything seems to be meaningless without you, so beatrice Prior..." he gets down on one knee and i gasp, my face full of tears "will you marry me?" I can't speak, i can't think. Tobias Eaton the love of my life wants to marry me! I finally choke out a: "Yes!" He jumps up and kisses me. Then he puts a beautiful ring on my finger. I finally regain my voice: "Yes, yes, yes a million times yes!" He laughs and tears keep spilling out of my eyes and i can't seem to stop them. "I love you." He says and starts spinning me around. "I love you too!" I respond. He kisses me again and then suddenly all of our friends step out of the bushes and cheer. I smile with tears still on my face. I am so happy! Tobias picks me up bridal style and i lean onto him. I can't wipe away the smile from my face and Tobias' isn't able to do either. Suddenly Christina and Marlene run towards me squeeling. I quickly get out of Tobias' arms and run for it. Everyone laughs. Then i stop and let them give me bone crushing hugs. And then for the first time i squeel along with them. Everyone still laughs when suddenly the creepy guy from the train steps out of one of the bushes. Zeke suddenly tackles this man and i hear Uriahs voice muffled by the scarv complaining. I laugh and point at him. "You were this creepy guy who was looking at me the whole time." Everyone laughs and Tobias come from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Yeah, i told him to watch you, so if you wouldn't understand the clues he could help you." I nod and turn around to kiss him once more. Then caleb congratulates me by giving me a awkward hug. I think we never hugged before... i smile at him and he smiles back. And in this moment everything is perfect.

Yeey they are finally engaged!!!
What do you think of the engagement? Did i write it to jumpy?
Mh, well hope you liked it

Jojo ❤

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